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Posts posted by rebeccajo99

  1. I am looking for mini shopping bags (preferably in kraft) 4" x 2 3/4" x 4 1/2". I found this place http://www.fetpak.com/whstore/main.pl/itl?267, but the solid color ones are something i don't want. Does anybody know who else sells bags that size?

    I was going to start offering individual tarts and wanted little bags for the customers to put them in. So if you have other suggestions, I'm open to that as well.


  2. You can like the other posters say, let it harden. I always figure out how much I need to pour for the day and put that in my pot. I keep it warm/liquid between pours. Since I only use 1 was in it, i don't wipe it out, just keep whatever is remaining (a 1/2 lb or less since I round up a 1/2 lb to accomidate for a little extra fallming into the pour pot when mixsing my scents) harden. Put my lid on and store (once cooled) in my closet until I need to pour again.

  3. the order didn't go through:sad2:. So it has been replaced and it should be here on Tuesday:yay::yay::yay:

    I already knew that I'm strange, but not because of ordering supplies while camping. I haven't even tried my first batch yet and my recipes to try list is HUGE!!!! I could have ordered so much more supplies:)

  4. My favorite ones that I have read was Everything Soapmaking (Alicia Grosso) , Natural Soap Book and the Soapmaker's compainion (both by Susan Miller Cavitch). They seem very informative and the most helpful in their writting. I will probably end up purchasing at least one of those three (probably Alicia's book first)

    I have disliked handmade soap (by tatyana hill) and Making Soap for Fun and Profit (by Linda Inlow). They are not bad books, but their writting styles and/or how they make the soap just doesn't seem like it would suite me.

    My for fun dreaming soap book I have read is making transparent soap by Catherine Failor. I think once I master HP, CP, and liquid soap, I may try transparent soap. It looks cool and fun to make.:)

    So it looks like I'm on track for books:yay::yay::yay:

  5. ok, I have them currently stored in the box they came in, placed in my workroom closet. Dark, coolish (77 degrees- temp where air is set). I don't have an extra fridge, but I do have a deep freezer.

    If I put them in the freezer or fridge, won't they solidfy and it would be worse for them to be warming and cooling all the time when I want to make my soaps?

  6. the books I have been reading says its to prevent oils from going rancid. I was reading it as getting smelly, bad soaps not the bacteria. Is there a way to find out how long of a shelf life my oils have? The recipe that I'm trying first uses Olive oil (i baught pomice), coconut oil (i baught 76 degree), palm oil and castor oil.


  7. As mentioned in another post, I've been doing a lot of reading of books and on here while I wait for my lye to come. Every book I have read said to use some sort of "preservative" to extend the shelf life of your soap. (Grapefruit seed extract, vitamin E, and/or carrot root oil)

    Reading on here, it sounds like you actually don't use those things.

    Am I missing something and you do actually use them?

    Thanks for helping me out.:)

  8. I've been checking out soap making books and reading. (Deciding what books I actually want to buy and to just gain knowledge) Came across my first book that actually said to put water to lye (instead of the lye to water that everybody keeps harping into your brain):shocked2::shocked2::shocked2:!!!!

    At least she says to use a jar at least twice the size of your final water/lye solution to contain the "boil up".:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

    Looks like this will not be a book I purchase (unless it has great recipes)

  9. I didn't see a number, but that doesn't mean it isn't somewhere on his site. I ordered from the Lye Guy. I'll check his site again for a number. Only bad part is that my husband and I are camping. We have great internet service, but very poor phone :sad2: (figure that one out :))

  10. I was placing an order for supplies and my computer errored when I hit the send button. I don't know if it completed or not. I sent an e-mail to the supplier asking, but I have not heard anything yet. I'm also not showing a pending transaction that I was charged for the items. Would you just place the order again or wait a little longer. I placed the order yesterday. I was hoping that I would have the supplies by Friday so I could have my first try at HP this weekend.

  11. thanks for the links and suggestions. I have been talking to other crafters at shows, but even the shows they mention I can't find :sad2:.

    Its also funny because 1 person will say, go here, its great and you talk to the next person and they say don't go here, it is awful and they are referring to the same show. I know it depends on market and your product, but I just find that funny as sometimes I get those types of responses from people who make the same types of things :laugh2:

    Hopefully I can get something lined up, this is supposed to be the start of the "busy" season.:)

  12. I am trying to get my fall craft shows lined up. My last show booked is on Sept 25 and then nothing. I can't find anything and there has to be something out there. I found some websites that lists out showings, but you have to pay for them. I tried "cheating" and doing a google search for the information, but nothing ever comes up for them except all of those pay sites.

    Do you pay for those websites? How do you find your shows? I'm getting frustrated that I can't find shows :mad:

  13. Paralegal here too for many, many years but I would never tell someone to not worry about insurance when selling. However, having said that, and never having personally seen a lawsuit, does not mean a lawsuit would not happen or could not happen. Even if selling your stuff at one show, even if its at a church show IMO you should have insurance. Selling is selling. But don't think just becuase it is one show or one at a church, or lawsuits are rare that you are safe. Better safe than sorry. It's worth the peace of mind. Its the responsible thing to do.

    I bet McDonalds never thought it would get sued because its coffee is hot and can burn you, but they did and the complainant was successful! JMO

    That is true as well Meridith. Just wondering a paralegal's opinion on if you had to choose only 1 type of insurance to start (general or product) what would you choose?

  14. I have never tried IGI, but I use palm. I love it. Give a pretty design and takes color well. (I think :)) I have not had them on the market very long (just hit the 2 month mark) and I only have a few scents tested and marketable, but I already have 1 repeat customer for them that I know of for sure.

    I too put the max load of fragrance. I had 1 that I thought didn't have a cold throw, but it must have been candle nose because I had somebody else take a sniff and they said it smelled strong:laugh2:I still can't smell it hot, so that is going to have to go off to testers without me testing it like crazy.

  15. yeah, I probably would do the same if I was in your boat. Let us know how it goes:)

    Oh, just thought of something. You most likely still have to get a sales tax licanse. Since I was wrong about the pricing on LLC, I'm hesitant to say this as well, but it didn't cost anything for me to get my sales tax licanse. I'm not sure how that works with this being a fund raiser. You will probably be fine if you don't have it yet before the show, as long as you get it and file whenever sales taxes are due. I'm sure MN is just like MI and they want their money :laugh2:

    I find that it is easiest to have those carbonless 2 part forms (can get them at most office supply stores). I write down what they baught and totals (sales tax, sub and grand totals), give the customer their copy and i have a copy for myself. Easy way to track what sold to deduct from my inventory, sales and collected sales tax spreadsheets when I get home. Getting those self inking stamps are nice with your business name and phone number to put on top of the customers recipt, but before my stamp came, I just printed off labels and stuck them on top. I think my pack of 500 was only $8.

    Some nice tips (there is also a sticky on top of the I believe the business section that has a lot more good ones)

    1. have pleny of change (especially 1's and 5's)

    2. elevate your product so it isn't all flat on the table. I use the boxes I carry my product in as shelves and cover with cordinating fabric.

    3. Having a cloth go to the floor is nice to hide extra boxes and inventory (window curtans or table cloths taped to the table with another table cloth over top is an easy way to start out if you don't have your own tables each time. That way your not having all these different sized "custom made" large clothes) Since your only doing this 1 aright now, might be easy to buy just one large cloth that goes to the floor.

    4. don't short change yourself and price your produts too low that you don't make much on them. research your market and calculate your costs X3 or 4. I average about 3.5 times for my stuff (some a little higher, some a little lower).

    5. Offer a discount for buying multiples. Like 1 for $5 or 2 for $8. People like getting discounts :)

    Those are my top 5 tips I like to give :) Have fun.

  16. REG, I don't know where you're from but I can tell setting up an LLC in Illinois is not $50 bucks - minimum $600 in fees and you do all the work yourself. It varies from state to state. If it were only $50.00 I would have set up an LLC.

    ouch. I'm sorry that yours cost so much. :sad2: Does it have to be renewed each year for the same price?

    I knew it varied from state to state, didn't realize it varied that much from state.

    REG, where do you live?

  17. I agree with Candybee. I am a paralegal. All of this talk of everyone suing their best friend because their candle didn't burn right is over-hyped. Been in the legal field for 20 years. The only candle related thing I have ever heard about in all of those years is because a renter burned a candle next to the curtains and the curtains caught on fire. The renter was in trouble, nobody cared about the candle maker. People need to get a grip. Go ahead and do your church sale and have fun.

    I guess I'm just not as trust worthy of people I don't know :). When I gave testers to friends and family, I didn't have anything set up because I trusted that they wouldn't come after me if something did happen. I made sure I had my LLC set up before giving/selling my first product to somebody I did not know (its only $50 to set up and its good for a year).

    Yes, I would like to believe that selling at a church fundraiser you wouldn't have any problems, but you just never know. Guess that comes from having a family member get sued because he was at fault in a car accident and killed somebody. One week the family was telling him to not worry about it, it was the weathers fault and the next week they are serving him with papers. (and these people were members at the same church as my cousin)

    I gave my opinion on how I feel and what I would do in your situation. You just need do what you feel comfortable after hearing everybodies opinion. :) Whatever you decide, do what deb says and have fun. :yay:

  18. Thanks. May I ask what you are using for your "humidity eaters" and where you get them. The room I use for my workshop stays pretty cool and the closet I will be putting it in stays dark, but I don't know how humid it is. I would rather be safe than sorry:)

    Do you use something like a rubbermaid container to store you lye bottles in?

    Have to rethink about my box on the top shelf in my closet idea:smiley2:

  19. It could be a combination of things. I'm still testing candles myself, so I don't have a lot of experiance, but I know people are going to want to know some information.

    I see that you are using IGI 4630 (at least I think that is your wax type) and HTP wicks

    1. what jar size are you using (inside diamater of the jar is the most helpful)

    2. What size HTP wick are you trying

  20. I'm going to be placing my first lye order soon and the best place (so far, still have to check 1 local place yet) I have found for me is to order through the lye guy as long as I do his buy 5 get 1 free deal. :eek:

    So here is my stupid question. Does lye go bad? If it makes a difference, it will be NaOH

    I'm sure once I get using it more it won't be a problem to buy that much, but while i'm learning, that may take me a little bit to get through that much lye.

  21. Thanks for the link! It's very helpful. Do I really need to set up LLC for one time fund raser selling? I don't even have a "company" or "brand" name. The sale is in the beginning of September, and I don't know how long setting up a company takes. Should I just skip this sale?

    No, you really don't need to set up an LLC for the one time fund raiser selling. However, I would still strongly suggest it. You never know in this one fundraiser if somebody will sue you for something. I really think people are out there just looking for ways to sue people... and I always say, better safe than sorry.

    Setting up an LLC will be your cheapest way to get the first level of protection. However, even with an LLC, if you don't keep your personal and business stuff seporate, if somebody would sue, the judge can still rule your personal stuff taken. This is because it cannot be determined what is personal and what is business.

    I don't remember how long it took for mine to get set up once I filed the paperwork. However, since you said you don't have a name picked out yet... you may be better off waiting until the next one so you pick a name you like, is catchy and won't be confused with another company. Look into your state and see how long it takes.

    Just my opinion:)

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