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Posts posted by Desertrose

  1. Very nicely done and I think the style of the site very much suits the type of candles you are doing.

    Richard is currently working on our website and though I know nothing about how to do it I understand just how many hours of work go into it!

    A very very minor point in your "about us" section.... You refer to "our company" yet there are some "me's" in there with no real mention of anyone else.

    Just got me curious as to whether it's all YOU or is there a partner/hubby involved in your business also?

    Don't know about other people but I always read the about us/about me section and like to have an understanding about who the person, or people are making the handmade product.

    Just call me nosy, lol!


  2. Being in Australia we probably have different sources for palm wax, but I've never ever NOT had palm wax slide out of a mixing bowl when set or slip out of a melt burner.

    Sometimes when Richard leaves some container palm in one of the deep fryer pots the only way I know which wax it is is because his container wax sticks and my pillar/tart wax doesn't.

    I've never heard before that it shouldn't slip free easily?


  3. Thanks.

    No, I don't think we have battery operated tapers here. Never seen them anyway.

    I've been looking at all the online prim stores and seen quite a few decorations with battery candles in them. Cute look!

    I just recently changed all my home decor to the more ethnic look - phasing out the country decor I USED to have, but now, making decorations and seeing all the prim stuff online......well, I just love it!


  4. Thought I'd share this really quick and easy little Christmas decoration.

    I got a tin pail, spraypainted it with brown and gold to give it a sort of rusty look. Filled the bucket with styrofoam and stuck bits and pieces, twigs, berries, a taper candle (Not to be lit, only for decoration and I won't be selling these....just made it for home.) and filled the top with little white styrofoam balls that look kinda like snowballs to me :)

    A bow to finish it off and there you have it!

    So quick and easy and a good way to use up little bits and pieces that if you're like me, you always have lying around waiting for "something" to be done with them.

    The red crackle tea light holders were an early Christmas present from my daughter to me.



  5. Thanks! :)

    Wow, I've always just assumed that everywhere over there is at least cool -ish for Christmas.

    I feel your pain then too!

    I just wish it was cool enough so you could really tuck into the food and actually enjoy it!


  6. I love snowmen but as you can imagine they are not really that fitting for our sweltering Christmas's.

    I found this pattern online and so decided to make my own Australian version of it.

    The corks hanging from his hat are little beads....the closest thing I could find anyway that kind of look like little corks.

    His sign sums up how I feel just about every Christmas day!



  7. Ha! Well Sharon, to show how sloppy I really am....no, I didn't unpick the cushion covers (as I should have) and then used the fronts.

    I simply sewed them all together as they were.

    This is why I broke four sewing machine needles!

    The next one I do for my sister I'm going to do properly and unpick them all. :)


  8. Air conditioning is a blessing! First time we've ever had it and it's making the world of difference to my life.

    All the soy candles are now taking up all the room in our storage cupboard inside the house because they simply would not stand these temperatures out in the garage!

    I too brought my dogs inside yesterday Koalagirl. Your poor old dog. :( Sad when they get so old.

    I'd gladly move to Tassie Nadiap! Or anywhere where it rarely gets above 25 degrees!

    Well, when this heat breaks I'll get back to these darn blue tins and see what can be done with them.


  9. Your bedroom colours sound nice :)

    Nah, I couldn't sell them. I'm really not a perfectionist when it comes to sewing. My step mum (who always does things so "properly" but so beautifully!) I'm sure is going to pull a corner back and laugh knowingly at me when she see's how unfinished it is on the back, lol!

    I'm really very sloppy......never even use pins or measure things half the time.

    I will take more care though when I make one for my sister - actually put a back on it! :)


  10. Thanks for the ideas Dustpuppy. Yeah, I can "see" seashells actually on the baskets themselves..... Would be a different look from the rest of our stuff. I never think of the country by the sea but down south here we have gorgeous country side that meets the ocean.

    I'll mull it over, try a few different things and see what happens.

    Glad that the reaction to the blue is not overwhelmingly negative though.

    I think the craft label and incorporating some of that blue in it is a good idea too Nancy.



  11. Thanks! :)

    We rent (never could afford to buy a house with four kids) so it's always a challenge to make a house your "home" without doing anything too major.

    This house is completely cream and rather devoid of personality and wasn't one we actually chose ourselves due to a move from interstate. My parents actually found it for us before we moved across from Perth.

    It has many rooms but each is kinda small. It will do for a while though.

    I forgot to mention that for the tassels ....they are actually Christmas decorations that I picked up. They WERE a bright bright red but I spray painted them a deep burgandy, removed the horrible red hanging tassels and replaced them with burgandy ones.


  12. Here's what these things look like.

    All came in that kacky yellow green coloured basket so I tried painting the basket a reddish brown, and I prefer that look.

    Perhaps if as I said we put a big wide craft brown label on the tins?

    I don't know....Darn things! I've got boxes and boxes of them in the garage taking up space!

    If anyone can think of anything else to do with them.........even if it's not to put candles in, I'd be grateful :)


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