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  1. Hi Everyone, When I made some candles this past weekend, I noticed that the color of the candles are not even - there were some noticeable white spots. I was wondering if the reason for these white spots is because I used crayons instead of candle dye. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Hi, I am trying to modify a presto pot using the guide "Do-It-Yourself Wax Melter" from candletech but I ran into a few problems on the way. http://www.candletech.com/general-information/do-it-yourself-wax-melter/ On step 3, it instructs for me to tap the hole but it does not say what size tap I shoud use. I went to HomeDepot and Lowe's but I did not have any success finding the correct size for the 3/8" Hex Nipple. I asked the customer service and the person said that they only have taps for screws, not for pipe related taps. Can anyone tell me where I can purchase the tap? What size? Thanks, vinh
  3. This is our first time making candles, so we did not pay attention to the temp of the wax. We used regular wax bought from joann's it's not soy or gel wax. We would like know how to prevent the top of the candle from becoming concaved? is there a way to make it completely flat?
  4. Hello, I recently started to make candles and I am facing a problem. After I poured the candle, I allowed it to cool down until the surface is solidified. Then, I would poke relief holes as instructed by this website. I let the candle cool down for a bit more and I pour the remaining wax to fill the relief hole. But, after the candle is cooled down all the way, I see that there is two visible layer. There is a layer from the original candle and a layer that is poured to fill in the relief holes. Does anyone have any tips? Also, my candles do not smell as strong as I wanted it to be? I believe it is because I added the scents at the wrong time. When should I add the scents? Thank you for helping!
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