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    candles soap b&b

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  1. my tins came in today! i got a deep 4oz silver one and a deep gold 6 oz. tootsie, you were right. the shipping even just for samples was really quick. i love these tins. the gold one is so cool, too. and now i've got a source for containers for other things that i make. i already placed a larger order for more and now i really can't wait to get started.
  2. this is great to hear! hopefully my tins will come today or tomorrow. i'm ready to check them out and get started!
  3. new to the site (hello everyone! :smiley2: ), recently injured.. so, now i'm home with a lot more free time on my hands. with my new open schedule i figured i could try focusing on something i've always wanted to do more of. i really want to make travel candles but i think i'm ready to move on from the containers i've been getting at dollar stores. i've been looking online and i think i've narrowed it down to these: http://www.specialtybottle.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=25 just wondering if anyone has had any experiences with the them? i ordered a couple of samples yesterday but theyre not here and i'm chompin' at the bit! any input would be appreciated!
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