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Candle Kitty

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Posts posted by Candle Kitty

  1. Don't be discouraged at all. If I had a dime for every time I made a mistake similar to this, I wouldn't have to work. Just breathe deep, relax the mind, calm down and work the problem.

    You're probably going to have some rust stick to the candles and some that won't. Take the ones with the rust and set them off to the side to use as test candles. I've done this before myself and was able to get the rust out of the molds and the batch is not a complete waste. Use the WD-40 and make sure to really wipe them down and out, you don't want that stuff to be on the candles.

    It's not that hard and believe me, there's people that has done this before, chalk it up as a learning experience and you'll be fine! :-)

  2. Welcome back Kitty. You were here giving support when I first joined the group so hopefully I've learned enough to give a little back :)

    You won't have any problem with the 1343. It was my 1st wax after starting out with the craftstore stuff. You can make some really nice pillars with it. For gorgeous rustics, pour cooler 150-160* range and for mottles pour hotter and let cool slowly. Actually, it mottles for me no matter what temp it's poured. And then there is vybar to kill the mottle if that's your desire.

    Sorry you lost your notes in the move. There are a quite a few of us that use the 1343 and you'll find quite a bit of info in the old threads. I think Candleman uses 1343... maybe he'll pop in with some tidbits of wisdom.

    Enjoy your journey and don't forget to post pics.

    Thanks for the rustic tips, I was playing with those shortly before the move. I've really enjoyed the mottles and I've got to show the two newbies how to make them anyway. I don't use Vybar that often anymore, it's Universal Additive all the way when I saw that it turned my wax whiter and I got cleaner colors.

    Notebook wasn't lost in the move, it was lost after an ungrateful house guest proceeded to not watch her three year old daughter and said daughter got ahold of it using scissors, magic markers, crayons, pens, it was a mess.

    Ah yes, my resident candlemaking motorcycle stud, WHERE ARE YOU BABYCAKES?!

  3. Actually, it's ten pounds of cheap wax from Hobby Lobby, but at this stage, I need to be able to get my techniques back before I start playing in the quality wax that's due to be delivered sometime Tuesday!:bliss:

    Along with about 12 different sample scents, a bunch of wick, 60 lbs of wax, some UV additive and *shock and gasp*, I actually bought liquid dye.:shocked2: Also had to replace my thermometer that didn't survive the move (that still urks me something fierce).

    Need to know if anyone has played with IGI-1343 or am I the oddball again and picked up some that no one knows about? We all know that I played a lot with 1218, I thought about switching waxes before the move and decided to give it a shot. Any info is appreciated, please feel free to PM me if you want.

    As always, good to be home and this time, it's for good. I have acquired two candle helpers as well and they're just as excited as I am to get started. I MAY be a pain for a bit, I have to restart my entire candle journal since mine was obliterated last year before the move and I've lost ALL of my notes.

  4. Since this is a whipped wax, there is no way you can get all the air out of the wax and have them look so great, so how do they burn?

    I would think they would not burn very well and most likely tunnel bucause of all the air in the wax.

    Concur with Candle Man, need to be very careful that you get as much air out of the wax as possible when you put it into the mold. They're gorgeous candles, make sure you burn it completely down when you test it. I actually had a hard time with mine having caves and pits until I figured out the best way to control that is not to just slam them down on the table, but also take a moment and push the wax into the mold as far as possible. Burping them seemed to help.

    Did you use liquid dye or dye chips?

  5. 1 lb. IGI-1218

    1 tbsp. U.A.

    1 oz. Scent

    44-24-18-Z wick

    Two tone votive - bright green/baby blue

    (wick trimmed before each burn)

    1st Burn - 1 hour - Mushroom within 1/2 hour, scented living room.

    2nd Burn - 3 hours - No mushroom, scented living room and kitchen.

    3rd burn - 3 hours - Mushroom, scented living room, kitchen and began scenting bedroom when I ended the burn.

    Not sure what to think on the mushrooming, I did have a full melt pool within an hour. I know both colors are actual pigments but I've never had a mushroom issue before this test burn. Flame was porportionate to what it needed to be, overall I'm pleased with the scent movement of the house, but the mushroom bugs me. Any ideas?

    And yeah guys, after a one year hiatus, I'm back. I finally have my candle workshop in order, will be going to Kansas City this weekend for a family visit and a fast stop at my old wax supplier for more wick and wax since I'm in the area. Finally had enough of friends and family asking when I was going to start making candles again and cool thing is, two of my friends have agreed to help get things up and running and they both want to learn candlemaking to help me with orders. Must be fate.

  6. You can use a frying pan to level the candles, but you've got to be careful and make sure the pan is just warm enough to melt the wax slowly. Tucker actually gave me an idea to use that's worked every time for me and that's get a hold of a piece of aluminum (local body shop would have them) wide enough for a candle. I put mine over a pot of boiling water to get it hot then work the candle back and forth while I swirl it at the same time.

    It's a wee bit of work, but it works for me in the event my candles are uneven. I WAS working on a way to just level the entire table like fredron suggested, but it's all about personal choice and ease. I had a friend that gave me an electric skillet so I don't ruin any of my pans (they're cast iron), I'll be trying that when I get back up and running.



  7. Man, just when things start going decent, here comes severe storms and knocked out my freakin' phone line and I think my modem is woo-hoo'd too! Thank the Gods for extra computers, I'm on my best friends laptop!

    Top, OH MY GOD HONEY, I'm so sorry you had to fend the aliens off, was SO HOPING the little snots would leave everyone alone but I guess not. I'll dig out my laser repellant suit and grab my radiation instrumentation later, we'll be back to busting those little brats in NO TIME! I've missed you darlin'!!!:yay:

    Mama, you've NO IDEA how much it rocks to see you still kicking around here! I can't WAIT to get back into the thick of things, I've missed all of you guys so much that I'm tearing up! It's 9am, it's NEVER too early for a cocktail, who's got the tequila?!?!?

    Auntie D, seems a little poetic we come back at the same time, doesn't it? I can't wait to cruise the gallery to see what you've been doing, had planned on doing that this weekend, but them blasted storms screwed me all up. Now that I'm in the mountains and no where near a city with tornado sirens, I've got to watch the weather closer now than before. Leave it to Mother Nature's timing to goof up my return!

    Last, but definitely not least, Miss Bunny, you've no idea how peaceful I am now that I'm home! The house I'm living in, I grew up in and to be back in my mountains and woods, to see my lakes and streams and breathe fresh air, I'm actually at peace for the first time in many years. The mountains have been my strength and they are my Muse, so I can't wait to tap into that creative energy that flows around this area and get to kicking butt with candles again! These mountains are alive all on their own with vitality, strength and tranquility, to tap into those resources....

    I have a little bit of storm clean-up to take care of today guys, but I promise pics tonight of where I'm thinking on my candle area. I've said it before and I'll never grow tired of saying it, every last one of you guys totally ROCK, you've made this homecoming for a candlemaker the best yet!!

  8. It was funny earlier when I signed on, I actually forgot my password :laugh2:


    Candleman, as always, you totally rock, thanks for the links. My other computer went to :tongue2: shortly after I got down here, so I lost every last link I had. A doll always, big hugs and kisses for you!

    Rsvlbrat, won't be for a little bit longer before I start getting wax and getting my candles going again, at least another month, three weeks is the soonest I can start, but I promise, the second the wax is delivered, I'll start posting again.

    Been missing my marbles, went to a local fair today to check out possible competition for next years fair (already talked to the fair committee, I'll be having a booth next year ready to go for me) and believe it or not, the only place that caught my eye were the gel candles, the gal there really knows what she's doing, great scents, gorgeous colors, but everyone else didn't have anything that I would consider buying, one gal's candles had that over-additive smell, no fragrance, another had TOO much fragrance (every candle was sweating the oil out) and another's prices were just too outrageous for the small pillars she did. Not saying it'll be a breeze around here, but it'll be fun nonetheless and I really started getting that 'oh my god, I need my wax' thing and chewed off what little nails I had.

    Now as soon as I can get my mom cat off my lap (and the lightning I see in the distance doesn't thrill me either), I'll go take pictures of my potential work space in the garage and post it, would kill to have some ideas from everyone!

    Good to be home, good to be home here and great to see everyone still hanging out! Best welcome back I've ever gotten, thanks everyone!

  9. I know guys, before anything is said, it's been WAY TOO LONG. Lots of HUGE changes have taken place since I was here last, I'll attempt to keep it short, sweet and to the point.

    Bottom line is, I quit my job at BNSF and moved back to my mountains. Something about the Ozarks just does that to a person but yeah, I packed up my belongings (cats included) and moved in May. It was time for a major change and the house that I grew up in is in need of some TLC. Also kidnapped my best friend in the process, (two cats and a dog included), but that's another story.

    Aside from doing house updating, re-modeling and re-decorating, I'm getting geared up to start my candle making again, I miss it too much to wait too long for it. I know we have candle makers in Southern Missouri, I'm interested in getting in contact with anyone that's down here with me to get up and running again. I'm staying with Peaks for 90% of my supplies, but I'm hoping to find places closer, so any information would be appreciated. There's a lot I can find online, but I also know word-of-mouth is an excellent tool here and I'd like to utilize it as much as possible. I'm aware that IGI has a distribution center in Springfield, what used to be a three hour drive is now an hour :D , but anything and everything is appreciated. PM me, please!

    Anybody that has sent me a PM in the last few months, I've still got them and I WILL reply, just give me some time to get this aspect of my life settled.

    I'll be sending out another post later this evening, I've got to completely rebuild my candle space again and since everyone was awesome the last time I did it, I'm hoping for some more insight and ideas!! I've got an entire garage (20 ft x 18 ft, rough estimate) that I want to convert eventually. There's some rough work before that, but I've got an even bigger kitchen to work in than before (at least twice the size of my last candle space, if not more), so there's two possibilities for candle space.

    I've missed you guys more than you'll know.


  10. I've spent the last couple of days attempting to recover what I could and I can't, there's no way. I wrote everything in pencil (one of the few times those things wasn't in my hair holding it up) and the magic marker won't budge unless I lose ALL of it.

    What I CAN make it out, MIGHT be enough to get something going again, but I'm not holding my breath. You figure that it was a 3 ring binder that was completely full of notebook paper and each had something written on it, front AND back, it'll be easier to start over than to try and decipher what's there. I keep sitting here amazed that she managed to hit just about every damned page and if she didn't color it, she cut it, ripped it, spilled something on it and generally just F'd the whole thing up.

    Thanks to everyone for sending me the wick links! I'm getting ready to hit them!

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