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Candle Kitty

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Posts posted by Candle Kitty

  1. I've actually played softly with essential oils and it totally depends upon the strength of the oil itself.

    I tried some Birchwood, which has a deep peppermint smell to it, only used a few drops and my entire apartment at the time smelled of it anytime that I burned the candle. The oil blended well in the wax and I didn't have any problems at all with the candle itself.

    I'll eventually move to more deeper experimentation with essential oils, I'm currently attempting to get my certification as an aromatherapist. I guess I know what my spot is here when I move to that eventually, it's a debate that's been raging now for a while.

  2. Half the fun of getting an order is just digging to find the sample! Reminds me of Christmas!!

    Yeah, I'm thinking a dark burgundy as well. The gals at work are bugging me incessantly about starting to sell my candles and tarts, so here shortly, I'm headed downstairs to make a bunch of tarts in different scents and colors and then probably going to cruise by work and hand them over to my sister to start selling them. I had the gals going NUTS over the stuff I handed over to my tester, I've a feeling that Black Raspberry is gonna be the first to go!

  3. Totally impressed with them already as well, I emailed them early this morning and when I just went through my email, I already had a reply!

    This is going to be TOO much fun and such a relief on my wallet believe it or not. The multiple trips out to Olathe during the month DOES knock a person down a little.


    Seriously, I've been driving clear out to Olathe, almost an hours drive to get the wax I've BEEN using and all this time, I've got an IGI-distributor not more than twenty minutes from me!?!

    *shrieks again*


    Oof, all this testing with 1218 and I'm gonna change waxes all of a sudden...:shocked2:

    Aw screw it, testing is half the fun, WOO HOO!!

    Oops, sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, my bad

  5. Oh I'm sure I'll end up posting more fluff ball stories eventually. Every cat I have, has a unique talent for my candlemaking to begin with, I'm just waiting for one of them to stick their nose in my Presto Pot and come up with wax tipped whiskers or something.

    Mom cat is my beauty, she's definitely my pillar cat. I pull those molds out, she's all over me. Burnadette is my tart cat, she likes to sit and supervise while I pour into the molds and then meows at me if I goof and spill a drop. Then there's my O.J, who just likes to be a busy body number one, but my votive cat number two. If I'm really getting busy and have everything out for all three, there's where the disaster comes into play, like the catnip night. Everyone knows they're supposed to be there, but no one wants to take a backseat if I'm working on something that's 'not theirs'. I thought about putting their cat bed on my workbench and not under the stairs, but I got to thinking about that...

    It wouldn't be the Catnapolis 500 going on, it'd be WWF KITTEN!

  6. Personally, I started using 1218 not too long ago because the supplier that I have only carries certain IGI waxes. Not that I probably couldn't order a different wax special order, but to be honest, I seriously like the straight paraffin better...

    If I want a mottle, I don't add any additives and then I bump up my FO to about 1.25 oz. per pound, If I want a candle really white, I use Vybar 103 or Universal Additive, if I want a semi-quasi crystalline effect like the vegetable waxes, I dip them in a 100% stearic bath.

    Straight paraffin is definitely more versatile. I've used the pre-blends but since I'm now moving away from the marbles and into the mottles and mottle/rustics, I just couldn't do that with the pre-blends. 1218 has a melt point of 144*, it's much easier for me to pull off my marbles than it would be to go with a higher melt point. The hot throws are really great if you go 1oz per pound or a little higher, especially if you use an additive that will bump up the fragrance load a little. And the cold throws aren't bad either, I can step into my Green Room, which I use for a creativity room/best room in the house to take candle pics and I'm constantly stepping into one fragrance or another (mental note, Creamy Praline Pecan smells wonderful....but not with Lavender and Spiced Cranberry).

  7. Well, that's how I came up with my name here. My cats are my joys and my sorrows. I don't know what I would do without each and every one of them, regardless if they pull off antics like this. I can't have kids per say, but I DO have kids! The furry four legged kind!

    I know this thread doesn't belong here, but I wanted to put it up because we've all been under a lot of stress, the new season change, having issues with one wax or another, one wick or another, testing fall/Christmas FO's, new customers, new problems, ACK! Every now and then, we need to cut loose and when I saw what my crew did, I had to share it.

  8. There's been times I thought about writing a book...'How to Make Candles with Feline Mania'

    Chapter One...Where NOT to hide catnip

    Wish I had my camera batteries, they're currently all passed out in various parts of the house looking like furry speedbumps. Thank the GODS they finally came down off that nip! Although the look in their eyes were priceless when I was sweeping and cleaning up down there...'Mom! What are you DOING, broad, that's still good nip!'

  9. Y'all know the old saying that cats are good for blood pressure and stress? Anybody that has TOO much stress and high blood pressure needs to come stay with me for an evening.

    I had the whole evening planned out, do some laundry, listen to some Doors while I'm working on another marble, blah blah blah. Even had my camera taking pictures of actual candles instead of the wall! I'm making progress!! Should have KNOWN something was gonna happen.

    Because I get organic catnip from a local herbal supplier, my cats go looney on it, it's not the cheap Wal-Mart stuff. It's a little expensive, but hey, they're my kids, I gotta spoil them! I'm beginning to second guess myself here. I have to literally HIDE the stuff when they're not looking, I can't leave it out in the open or even in my herb apothecary, no way. They always find it and then I'm stuck with loaded cats.

    I get a furry streak running by the washer when I'm heading downstairs with my bedsheets and comforter. It's nothing new in my house, the brood pretty much has free reign to do as they please. I get the stuff in the washer, turn to go into my workspace and lo and behold....

    They have found the nip!!

    It was tucked inside my tart basket, wrapped in aluminum foil and buried under all the tarts. Notice, I said was. Tarts are scattered all over the floor and my workbench, aluminum foil shredded and to boot, I've got two full ounces of catnip scattered all over the place, including inside my Presto Pot!! Miss mama, my beautiful petite Snowshoe Siamese goes streaking by me again, chasing a runaway tart, my Burnadette who is a Miss Touch-Me-Not on her terms is wollering all over my pillars, votives and scattered tarts and both of their eyes have absolutely NO pupils whatsoever. It wasn't until I saw my O.J that I lost it completely and had to run upstairs and into the bathroom. I almost didn't make it. He's on the workbench, rolling around like an idiot, meowing as loud as he could...

    With my 9 x 3 octagon mold stuck on his head.

    Now, the killer of this story is just the fact that I should be mad at the little fluffy bandits, but I can't be. Not when I go back downstairs, camera in hand to take a picture, was going to post it so everyone could see the crew I have and O.J is STILL stuck in the mold, the girls are running all over the place, gearing up for the Catnapolis 500 and he's trying to get off the workbench to go join in the race.

    The mold would have been a handicap.

    So, I line myself up in just the right spot, I've got all three in my line of sight, still giggling over O.J....

    Batteries in the camera are dead.

    Moral of the story? The Energizer Bunny hasn't got a THING on three loaded cats and a chandler's corner.

  10. Uh, nothing, only because I'm in the middle of my weekend right now...

    So if we look at it from that point of view, I am currently trying to get the instructions for dye chip marbles out of the way, then maybe do some more tarts for my testers. Placed an order early this morning at Peak's, will wait to get that and then I get another weekend of play. Want to move into rustics eventually this next week.

    Sometimes, it pays to work at the railroad, times like this, it don't :P

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