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Everything posted by DebbiR

  1. This wiggle is my first, the chunks are my second. My dear hubby was very involved with the wiggle - essentially "made" the wiggles. He made candlemaking even more fun that I thought it was alone. I think we did okay for never having done them before. Thanks for looking. Debbi R
  2. I was using IGI-4625. What is that mottle pillar blend? I like the pre-blended, have never added additives myself before. You said the Astorlite has a high melt point is that a negative? I've been pouring at about 175 with the IGI and they have come out fine. This candle waxing for fun and gifts sure requires a lot of information, thought, time, and money - but have to admit I love it.
  3. How cool to play with the residual fragrances.... if there isn't a "Tootie Fruiti," that's what it sounds like you've made. tee hee
  4. They sound like a really good gift idea to me, I appreciate the information. However, I have a REAL stupid question. Do you just put these in the fireplace with your wood and light them to ignite the wood? How do they work with those 4 hour burn logs? Anyone know? Thanks!
  5. The place I use to get my pillar wax is no more - unfortunately the hurricanes were the problems. I need some pillar wax and found a dealer closer to me... can one tell me about Astorlites 6228 pillar wax? Another one listed was Astorlite V. I need to get this ordered today I appreciate any help or advice. Thanks.
  6. Thanks ya'll. Can you do this with container candles using J223?? Got my wax ready to melt.
  7. Are there more sites for showing how make wiggles? I saw some pictures and really loved them! Thanks.
  8. Okay - trying to show you some pillars I made (experiementing) with more than one color. Also some container candles a friend asked me to make. That's if I can get the pics here. How do I get rid of that shiny look on the pillars? And how do ya'll get such cool patterns in pillars. A website link would help. Thanks everyone.
  9. Boy - after reading all the posts on this one - ya'll have me tired! I've got a case of jars to do for gifts.. using J223 for the first time. I'm so new at this that when I get into it my kitchen is a wreck! But, I'm looking forward to playing with both colors and scents.... a variety of both. I ordered some chip dyes I get to check out, hope they work well. I have some new scents too - a fall and christmas sampler. So, I'll be busy. But - with all that, I have meetings and the gym... "first things first." Enjoy all!
  10. Thanks so much!!! I guess I've always used the one pour pot - because I thought the dye and FO had to be done with continuous heat. Hubby has been saving all tin cans he uses from his vegetable at lunch for me and I use them for extra wax and then re-heat them. The extra wax makes great chunk candles and I have had great success with them!
  11. Looks good to me too! I'm going to try it soon.
  12. I have been reading the posts and replies for several weeks now. I'm pretty new at candlemaking, only been doing it for about 6 or 7 months. I only do this as a hobby for gifts. Expensive gifts at that. Hahaha Anyway, is there a favorite "true" one-pour container wax ya'll might use? The one-pour container wax I ordered is that IG 4??? (can't remember - still getting them confused without looking at it)) but requires a re-pour. Is soy wax a good alternative to pre-blend paraffin? How can I make different colors using only one presto pot? I use a melting pot in my Presto and fragrance and color in it... so then I'm stuck waiting to finish a batch - and not move on to something else. Anyway - I really enjoy the board and the questions and responses. Thanks... Debbi
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