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Posts posted by dillypooh

  1. What is your favorite ingredient in facial soap besides




    Some type of clay

    Olive oil

    Any more suggestions on a really great facial soap?

    I really need some answers from all you experts.

    Also I will send you a sliver to try if you will help me out.:highfive:

  2. Darn it I was in a hurry today trying to get my soap made before a severe storm came over and I left out one of the ingredients. Already put it in oven @170 to gel before I realized it. Of course I cp'd it. Now what do I do? Shred it down, add the oil and HP it? I only did HP one time and it wasnt a pretty site. Oh please help.

  3. Now that Eugenia has so thoughtfully posted her kitchen soap I am now wondering about Gardeners soap. Is there an ingredient that is needed for this soap or just your ordinary recipe. I read something about tomato juice but cant remember which one it was for:tiptoe: Anyone help my "no working' brain?

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