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Peeko Sanchez

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Everything posted by Peeko Sanchez

  1. I know this is an old thread, but I've been doing research all day on whether borax is safe, hence why I was reading this. I couldn't leave without providing some clarification before someone ends up with severe skin problems. Borax that is found in the laundry detergent aisle of your local store is usually a decahydrate form of sodium borate http://www.sciencestuff.com/msds/C2545.html combined with surfactants and detergents to make a powerfully caustic cleaning agent. You have to wear gloves when using this cleaning powder so it doesn't eat your skin off- NOT a good idea to put the decahydrate compound in any product you plan on exposing skin too. On the other hand, it appears that the cosmetic grade of Borax, which is NOT a decahydrate, is not nearly as toxic and is safe for use in toiletries (low quantities), but this is safe according to the FDA. It is still a skin irritant. It's the amount at which this irritation is harmful that is debatable and so it has earned the FDA stamp of approval. http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/ingredient.php?ingred06=705996 When combined with beeswax, sodium borate acts as an emulsifying agent. If you're set on using borax, I would recommend purchasing the cosmetic grade from a health food store, in person or online, and make sure that the chemical name is just Sodium Borate, no decahydrate or other chemical prefixes or suffixes and no other ingredients. Hope no one got burned, literally!
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