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Posts posted by Caramel

  1. Well I do have those three drawer plastic carts with the hard woodlike tops I can take my crap out of and find another place to put the crap in while I take those downstairs and put more crap in them. :laugh2:

    I'll put labels on the drawers.

    My husband thinks im nuts because I go from one craft to another.

    How did you all start off making candles?

    Darn! I lost my original post.

    I was laughing because you sound like me. I have some storage drawers, but my jewelry stuff is in them and not labeled. So I need better storage for that, as well as for the candle supplies. I think I will get some more drawers, in addition to a bin for my wax to keep it dry and out of direct light (the basement is pretty cool).

    I started hobbying NYE '03. I decided I needed something to keep myself occupied and stress-free (I worked 12-14 hour days, at the time), so I tried my hand at making perfume (and planned on doing B&B), but I was going through a medical mystery where I was overly sensitive to EVERYTHING, so I couldn't test my own products. I had all this research (perfume, soap, candles and jewelry), but decided on making jewelry instead. This year I really wanted to get into home fragrance, so I decided to dig out my old research and try my hand at candles (and diffusers/potpourri).

    I am having fun doing it all (even if it costs money)... and meeting new people doing it. *S*

  2. I started out using 2 oz tins, but changed to glass 1) due to the tin getting hot and having a weird smell after burning and replacing the top after the candle cooled and 2) to have a different, upscale option (I was also had a heck of a time to decide on a size tin I wanted- I decided I would use 6 oz tins, if I decide to use them again).

    I will take this into consideration. Keep me in mind when you start testing your tumblers. I would love to know how that works out for you (and perhaps get some helpful tips! *S*).

    Thanks so much!

  3. I feel your pain. I got fussed at for taking over the dinning room and kitchen during my vacation with boxes and bags (boxes were candles supplies in kitchen, bags were jewelry in dinning room).

    I was JUST at Office Depot getting colored paper for a work project, today, when I looked at some plastic bins and drawers sets. I think I may have to invest in these for my jewelry/candle supplies.

    And then see how long THAT lasts. *L*

  4. Thanks, Stella, I will look into this!

    Tootie- What jars do you use? I am thinking of changing to something straight-sided (as suggested here). Perhaps that will give me a starting point.

    I am scared to get into mixing (I am sure something would possibly go wrong *L*), although I am intrigued by the CO angle. Does this mix really work better that soy or soy blends or does it have its own challenges (I have read some of what you guys post... so much stuff to remember! *S*)

    In any case, thanks for the help! *S*

  5. I really think the no frosting was luck... I will check them again, when I get home to see if it stuck. If so, I know 150* is my number!

    I will look into the CD sizes and see if I can find a size recommendation chart or a place that will give me a sample pack of all sizes.

    I really am hesitant to keep testing in these tureens, being that I may not keep this style (I like the clean lined jars better now), but I will use what I have. Maybe this will be good research to see how multiple wicks perform (since I know I can reuse jars during testing) in different size (diam) jars.

    I find I enjoy this more than I thought (the mixing), it is just the testing wick phase that makes me antsy (pouring, too). I know I have a long ways to go, but getting little glimmers that I MAY be on the right track (or even being able to see that I am not and to pinpoint what may be wrong) is encouraging.

    My fiance is going to be SO annoyed when he sees more deliveries. *L*

    Thanks, again, for your help!


  6. Hi Antonia! Thanks again for the feedback.

    Yeah, I was tired, so I may have mixed the pics up (which is also why I didn't turn on more light when taking the pics before bed *L*). Unfortunately, I do not have better lit pics, will have to make sure I light better next time.

    I tried the ECO 10 in the larger jar (again) with the wick trimmed properly as well as the smaller one to see if how it performed in another fragrance, in two different sizes. The ECO 4 was the only smaller wick I had on hand, so I tried it to see if it would work; it did great for the first 2 hours and drowned the last- so that sucked.

    I now know that I will have to buy more wicks ASAP. I read CD's worked with this wax. Is this your experience or do you suggest something else? I am trying to get more options/opinions from you guys before I place another order.

    This is so frustrating. *L*

    Oh! And the batch I poured last night (@ 150* in cylinder, straight-sided jars) came out smooth with NO frosting! So excited!

  7. I poured these candles at 115* and ended up with wrinkled tops. I realized I like pouring hot for the smoother tops (poured two testers at 150* tonight and got smooth tops). I experienced minimal frosting (I tried a version of tempering- by accident *L*).

    Did test burn tonight at 8:50 PM; trimmed the wicks correctly and used clothes pins to try to center wicks.

    After 2 hours (two views to see MP):

    4 oz w/ECO 4 wick (CSci) - 1/4" MP, semi-centered wick; no mushrooming: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9820936


    4 oz w/ECO 10 wick (CSci) - 1/4" MP, looks centered wick; no mushrooming: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9820937


    6 oz w/Soy 2 wick (WSP) - 1/4" MP, off-centered wick; no mushrooming: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9820938


    6 oz w/ECO 10 wick (CSci) - 1/4" MP, semi-centered wick; slight bulb/slight wavering flame: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9820935


    After 4 hours:

    4 oz w/ECO 4 wick (CSci) - 1/2" MP, small hang-up; small mushrooming: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9820945

    4 oz w/ECO 10 wick (CSci) - 1/2" MP, slight hang-up; no mushrooming, but drowing flame: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9820946

    6 oz w/Soy 2 wick (WSP) - 1/2" MP, even burn; small mushrooming: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9820948

    6 oz w/ECO 10 wick (CSci) - 1/2" MP, even burn; large mushrooming:http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9820944

    (I hope these are in the right places... I am tired/sleepy while posting this)

    Thanks for looking!

  8. I think you could also do the Moonlight in a light blue (with a tinge of purple, perhaps... is that kind of mixing possible?).

    I would think a yellow/orange for the Amber.

    But then, I think I am basing this on the fact that I am not coloring my candles and would do something light (and sort of unexpected).

  9. The 4 oz is 3" and the 6 oz is 3.5". I used the wick guide from CSci when I first ordered my supplies and bought what they suggested. I searched the board and saw that logcabinmama (sp?) mentioned using CD wicks, so I think I will order some of these.

    Does anyone have any other suggestions?

    Thanks again!

  10. Did the test burn at 11: 46 AM and all is not well. First, I made the mistake of not trimming the wick low enough, second issue was not being able to center the wick properly (I had no clothes pins at the time and tried using craft wire and wooden skewers). The smell is excellent cold and great hot (could not smell at first, until MP got going, but may be too light for a candle).

    This is what they look like after a 2 hour burn (1:46 AM):

    4 oz w/Soy 2 wick (WSP) - 1/2" MP, moderate mushrooming: index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9751354

    4 oz w/ECO 10 wick (CSci) - 1/2" MP, horrible mushrooming:index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9751316

    6 oz w/Soy 3 wick (WSP) - 1/2" MP, horrible mushrooming: index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9751314

    6 oz w/ECO 14 wick (CSci) - 1/2" MP, no mushroom: index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9751352

    This is what they look like after a 4 hour burn (3:46 AM):

    4 oz w/Soy 2 wick (WSP) - 1/2 to 1" FMP, slight mushrooming: index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9751323

    4 oz w/ECO 10 wick (CSci) - 1/2 to 1" FMP, horrible twin mushrooming: index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9751322

    6 oz w/Soy 3 wick (WSP) - 1/2 to 1" FMP, moderate mushrooming: index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9751324

    6 oz w/ECO 14 wick (CSci) - 1/2 to 1" FMP, horrible mushrooming: index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=338137274&albumID=963670&imageID=9751321

    I found it interesting that some mushrooming cleared up on some wicks, while showing up in others. Sorry that I couldn't post the pics directly; I linked them from my MySpace page. I also will be getting some straight sided jars, as suggested.

    Please let me know what you think... and thanks in advance!

  11. Just changed from C-3 to GW444. I LOVE this wax! No pour problems at all. For those who use GW444, which wicks do find give you the best hot throw? I have ECO, HTP and Cotton Core from Peak's. - Making dye free, 1/2 tsp Coc. Oil/pound is only thing I add.

    Thanks for your replies!

    Happy New Year!

    I am testing the 464 and wouldn't mind testing another wax. I really don't want to add anything, but would consider it. How are you pouring? I like that you can pour hot (liquid) or warm (syrupy). I don't think I could handle slushy wax (too many air bubbles... learned this by accident).

    I am almost tempted to try the CO (thinking of getting it from Whole Foods- for candles as well as for my hair *L*).

  12. UPDATE:

    After procrastinating due to the holiday (you would think I would be more productive), I finally did a batch today.

    I did four containers: two 3 oz and two 6 oz tureens, four tealights (for scent samples), one 1 oz tart and I divided the rest up: one 3 oz melt tray and one 2 oz tart "votive (I was curious if it could be done).

    So far, I like the way the tealights and 3 oz tureens came out. It was very smooth, even and smelled nice. The 6 oz tureens did not turn out smooth, though. It was due to the wicks not being straight and I moved it to another spot on the counter after I thought it had cooled enough... how wrong I was.

    I used 24 oz of wax and heated up to 185 and added FO (1.15 oz of Honeysuckle and English Ivy from Wellington), stirred and cooled to 135 and poured into containers, leaving them to cool at room temp. The reason I used 24 oz of wax after guestimating that I would need this much (I weighed the containers, then filled with water to estimate how much they would hold).

    VERY excited by my results so far. NO frosting, so far! I am thinking it was due to me putting it in a cool room to cool down. Right now, I put them in the upper oven to keep them out of the way (I read that here). I will let them rest for another day and then test (I am testing two types of wicks in each container: ECO 10 from CSci and Soy 2 from WSP for the 3 oz; ECO 14 and Soy 3 for the 6 oz).

    I think I will try leaving the next batch on the counter/table to let them cool and see how this works.

  13. Here is a place that sells silver lids. This is just one they have a whole section.


    I don't know WHY I never went here before... and they are on the east coast!!! I love that Libby/Madison jar, I just wish they had clear lids, but the silver is classy as well. And this helps to keep all of my items in one theme and I can have travel tins and smaller tumblers, when needed.

    Awesome- you guys rock!:yay:

  14. If and when I begin selling (or even giving them away), I thought about buying nice boxes and printing simple labels and tags/decorations. Because I will not be coloring my candles, I will have to depend on scent and packaging to catch the buyers attention (I figure dressing my containers may be a bit easier since I also make jewelry as a hobby, so I have materials to work wrt packaging).

    Being a beginner, I only have experience with either drug/craft store candles and candles from YC or BBW. Looking at them now, I notice things I would have found normal before. But, as a buyer, scent was ALWAYS the top priority for me; the pretty package was a bonus. It is funny, but color attracts me too, not by much, but it draws your eye (even when unscented), yet I don't want to be bothered with color because 1) yet another wicking issue I don't want/need, 2) one less expense and 3) trying to come up with colors for each scent.

  15. Antonia- I noticed that I got a full melt pool around the 2 2.5 hour mark, but that was when I was doing the three scented one. When I did the one scent, it was around 2.5 to 3 hours. I was a bit concerned because everything I read was that I was supposed to get it around the 4 hour mark. So I kept coming back here to see what other people were doing and what I was doing wrong. I figured since this was the wick SC recommended, it should have been working fine.

    Anabanana- Hmm, I may have to try your suggestions. I like that I can pour this hot, but maybe that is not the best course of action. I will also make sure to keep to the 1oz/1lb rule. It gets so frustrating because I am not always patient.

    I also got the tins because they were inexpensive and seemed easier. I recently purchased 3 and 6 oz tureens... or should I have tried the jars?:confused:

    I was told to use containers that I would be using for a finished product and learn to get that right before moving on (I think I read that here, too).

    Oh goodness. Let's hope I did not make a mess of things!

    Thank you all for the helpful tips!

  16. I found this:

    Beeswax candles emit a warm golden glow

    The light emitted by a beeswax candle is in the same spectrum as the sun. It is a warm golden colour and a halo can often be seen around it. This is opposed to the disorganised light spectrum produced by paraffin candles (which is similar to old fashioned incandescent light bulbs), or the cool bluish flame emitted by soy candles.

    here: http://www.thehoneyfarm.com.au/acatalog/Beeswax_Candles.html

  17. Thanks, Carrie, I will try using less. I was reading that you could do 1.5 oz with this wax, so I did the max. Hopefully, this will help with the mushroom.

    However, I am now afraid to use tins because I would hate for this smell to hang around the candle after burning and replacing the top. I guess I will have to see if using aluminum tins will work.

    Oh and I get a full melt pool in the tins, so it is all good there.

    Thanks so much!

  18. Oh, I meant to mention that I did 1 fragrance testing (I got excited and wanted to test a mix- as you see above). After testing that tin (which was ok), I put the top on after it cooled and came back two days later to start the burn again. When I opened the tin, I noticed it had a weird metallic smell. I was using Asian Amber (and it did the same in Honeysuckle Jasmine).

    Sorry for the crazy questions, but I have searched this board (and others) and found nothing that came close (other than vanilla potentially rusting tins).


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