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Everything posted by Barbtp

  1. Thanks for the suggestion! I may try the votive approach if re-wrapping doesn't do the trick. Thank you for your help. barbtp
  2. Thanks, Chris, for your help with this! I may try the beeswax sheets first, as I'm not sure I can trust the old wicks and old wax for re-dipping.
  3. I'm hoping someone might tell me how to "restore" some old beeswax candles, circa 1948. Once-white, the 12" tapers were used briefly during grandmother's wedding, then put in storage. Granddaughter's wedding is coming up (in June!! We're in a panic!). We were hoping to use--maybe even briefly burn--the candles once again. But the old wax is discolored dark yellow in many spots. Any ideas about how the candles might be whitened again . . . or re-dipped . . or coated?? If all else fails, I might try a colored applique to camouflage. I have zero candlemaking experience, but will be glad to try any helpful hints. Thanks very much for reading this post and for any suggestions you might offer! Barb, a.k.a., mother of the bride barbtp@epix.net
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