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Pretty Pariah

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Everything posted by Pretty Pariah

  1. Hi! I made a facial mask today out of French green clay, a little jojoba oil, vita e, and some mint water i made just before I made the clay mask. I wanted to buy the mint water (I thought I saw some at the grocery store in the mixer section, but there wasn't any when I went this time). my question is... does anyone know if it safe to boil foods or herbs in water and use it in products? I added some Phenonip during the boiling process and a little more when I was adding the oils. do you guys think this would be ok to make, jar, and use as needed? or will the water spoil or something? god! I sound so technical.
  2. thank you so much for that link, heirloomoriginals. That is sooo much cheaper than I thought. That is really helpful!
  3. Hi! I make my own bath and body for friends and family and I am thinking about selling. I have talked to some people about and as of right now I know about the insurance, and licensing. Someone told me that I have to have every formula lab tested before I can sell it. I was told that even if I add or subtract one ingredient or change the levels I have to get it lab tested again. is this true? I have been looking on Craftserver for someone to bring it up for a while now, but no one has that I have found. I notices some of you said you sell and was wondering is this true? and if so how much (around abouts) does it cost and where do you go to get it done?
  4. these are really nice. they relax me so much and I don't have to moisturize after i am done.
  5. I made this for my boyfriend and brother. It's bees wax, coca butter, butter, jojoba oil, hemp oil, vita e, and french green clay. they seem to like it. It's not to greasy. shea
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