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Karen M

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Posts posted by Karen M

  1. It may just be a lemon, I had a HP printer that never printed labels correctly, then after a year the darn thing went kerchunk and broke. I bought a new printer and it has printed everything perfect everytime.

    I feel your pain.:sad2:

  2. I don't mind a little frosting with soy, but a few weeks ago I had such frosting, I had to remelt them all. Frosting naturally occurs in soy, I saw Beanpod candles with frost.

    I think that bloom is BS, and so is the "triple scented" hype.

    I had a lady ask me to triple scent her candles, I had to explain that wax can only hold a certain % of oil.


  3. I don't think they are boring, with goods costing more and more and shipping prices going up, I think it is wise to utilize whatever jars you can get at a decent price.

    I know I like a jelly jar because it is more primitive and there definitely is a market for prim/rustic jars.

    I also know some people want a nicer jar for thier home.


    Karen M

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