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Posts posted by pwillo2

  1. After a bit of playing around, I have a wick that I consider my "medium"(one wick size that works for most of my FO's in one size container)... I make a batch with 1 pound of wax and 1 ounce fo. I pour 1 8oz jj and 1 16oz WM with my "medium" wicks.

    Then I take notes and adjust from there. Sometimes you can just tell right off the bat that it's the wrong wick. When this happens..I melt the candle down and repour adjusting the new wick size. When I finally get a good burn.. hopefully the scent throw is good.. If not, I make another batch (if I think the scent is worth it) using 1 and 1/4 ounce FO and start all over again..

    Takes lots of notes, pictures if possible, and pay attention to every detail and write it down... That is what helps me the most!



  2. I don't make any of these (YET) LOL but as a consumer, I like perfumy body sprays... Linen sprays I like fresh linen, uhmmmmmm..perfumy scents, earthy scents...My mom on the other hand likes floral scents..Not perfumy

    Can't wait to see the different opinions.. Very intresting!:rolleyes2


  3. I started out with soy too and I have been wanting to try my own para/soy blend..I tried the 6036 and liked it ok but then the prices flew up. But you guys have got me wanting to do an all parafin...LOL

    The parafin is a bit higher than my soy though.. That is what sucks.. When I first started it was the other way around.

    If I do try the parafin - I will be starting at point A again..

    How different is the wicking? And will almost any FO work with parafin or is it the different kinds picky like soy?


  4. Gosh, what a beautiful candle...I am far from making a candle like that but it sure gave me some ideas for the future.... Oh it was so pretty...

    I could not possibly afford to have one but I refuse to pay for a candle now that I make them...LOL I would just have to look at it because all the testing I do I would never get to smell that one..:P

    Thanks for the link to the oh so pretty candles and for the new ideas!!!!


  5. Ok, 'nothr ? I didn't add coconut oil this time because I wanted to see how it would turn out without it. So should i wick up to a cdn 12 if I do? Or does coconut oil not affect the burn temp?

    IMO, of all my testing I think it depnds on the FO used.. My cranberry marmalade was the same wicking.. My honeydew melon I had to wick up a size..and so on..So I say test each scent..

    As far as the twisting of the wick.. I have never tried that. Haven't needed to so far thank goodness.



  6. It is definetly the nature of soy.... I have experimented with coconut oil and IMO it makes the after burn ugliness a little better.. Not perfect but better. You might want to try it...

    I add 1 and 1/2 tsp of CO per pound.. I have also found that this mixture it helps with acheiving smoother tops when poured hotter than reccomended.


  7. I read this list a LONG time ago when I first started making my own candles and haven't thought much about it till I read this thread.. I am about ready to start selling a little and I have a few names that I have to change... So THANK YOU for bringing it up....:highfive:

    I have searched for some updates but as of right now I can't hardly find any more info..If I do I will try to remember to post them here..


  8. I've been testing a 75/25 mix of the 464 and 4630. I think you will be extremely impressed with the combination of these 2 waxes.

    I want to go order RIGHT NOW!!!! (But I can't) My goal is to be almost frostless and not so much prework for the frosting and the smooth tops... And if the scent throw is better that will be an added plus!

    Flightoffancy, could you describe the difference? I can't wait....:yay: Thanks, Emily

  9. I like the Eco's and the cd's.... Can't make my mind up yet which one I like the best.. I tend to get a better burn with the eco's but I THINK the cd's give a better scent throw.. I am working on this dilema as we speak!

    ....I have just started testing the 6 oz tins but for now it looks like an eco 6 will be a good starting point..or a cd 8.... I know Tootie does the 6 oz tins so she may have a more accurate input...

    For the 4 oz & 8 oz jelly jars, most of my scents will work with an Eco 4 or cd 8 also.....

    I love this wax... The throw is awesome..cold or hot..frosting was my issue but you are not coloring your candles so you should be just fine....



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