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Posts posted by sandissoap

  1. I've never posted a pic on here but i'm so darn proud of this soap i just had to figure it out! LOL This has become one of my FAVE scents, its actually coconut lime verbena, but i decided to drop the verbena so I didn't have to "type" it! LOL


  2. hey want to hear my short cut? I had my dad make me a block of wood that fits perfectly inside my mold. Then I just wrap that sucker like a present except leaving the top open. If that makes sense. But I do the sides just like I would wrapping a box, tape here and tape there. Slide it off the wooden block and put inside the mold. The just cut the remaining freezer paper that is sticking up, put 4 little slits in the corners and just tape down like on the tutorial. My dad made me a block for both of my molds and I"m thrilled. Its still a pain but not nearly as bad as it was before!!!

  3. I'm currrently working on my site, paid a webdesigner to DESIGN it and get it set up in general. I've been adding pics, desc and items for weeks now and I'm using ZEN CART. I LOVE it and knew NOTHING about it before she did this for me. Honestly I don't know if I could have ever went to the site and downloaded it and get it set up myeslf. Not so sure about that! I don't know crap about HTML or any of that and I'm still finding it all fairly easy. You don't need to know any. I'm ALMOST done but its been a LONG few weeks adding all my stuff to it. My web lady as been worth every penny!!!

  4. Thanks everyone, I just was re-reading on the paypal site and it sounds like thats probaby the best way to go for now! 2.9% + .30 per transaction. I dont' do many shows and most people in person just pay me with cash or a check so maybe I can hold off on using Pro-pay for now. Thats a scary thought about people not wanting to place orders because they are afraid of paypal...

  5. I'm getting closer to getting my website up and running, had a designer do the major stuff and am just adding all my products. I already accept paypal and have a premier account there but need to decide who to use for CC processing. I've heard some pretty decent stuff about propay and am just not sure who to go with that is reasonable! I'd much rather pay a per transaction fee then a regular monthly fee, even if it ends up being a bit higher til I see how many cc trans. i'm going to process. Any suggestions? or experience with propay?


  6. Stephanie,

    Just wanted to let you know that I love Peacock colors and get them from Ellen. I have tried many diffenent types of colorants and was really happy with the strength of them. I even ordered Lab Colors a while back and sold them all because I thought those were weak. I own just about all the Peacock colors and use them in both soap and body products and have been extremely happy with them!

    just my opinion.......

  7. thanks everyone, hired someone and we are ready to get going.........

    i appreicate all the input.. boy that citymax site looks awesome but i'm still NOT wanting to have to figure it out from scratch!!! Did that once and am not too thrilled with my end result so I went the professional way.....

    THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!! :D

  8. thanks for all your advice...I'm going to check into things more....I've heard alot about Dove Studios and Red Lime from over at the Dish, Red Lime seems quite expensive though....but I know you get what you pay for!

    I'll check out that DIY site too - thanks!!!!!

  9. can anyone recommend a good webdesigner? I've had a few people give me quotes and there is such a difference in pricing. I'm terrified to pick a person and pay out alot of money only to find out they aren't able to get the feel of what I am going for. I really want someone to completely design my site, but I want to be able to put in my own products, pics, wording etc. BUT, and the big BUT is that i have no html experience at all! Any suggestions would be appreciated....right now i have a site but its a blah, nothign special cookie cutter type site that i haven't bothered to update in a LOOOONG time!


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