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Everything posted by janesyrinx

  1. Hi Rebecca Thanks for your advice - when I try it again I will add some water - I read somewhere on the Internet that it should be purified water - do you know if this is correct ? As you say, the properties of the base have now probably changed, and it will certainly have lost a lot of moisture - without realising it, I think I tried to get it to work for quite a few hours, and they flew by, doing even more damage ! I think perhaps I need to get a book to help me - I've always had books when I've learned something new, but just lately I've been relying on the Internet, without which I wouldn't have found Craft Server ! Thanks again - JJ
  2. Thanks, Prairieannie I won't give up. It does seem that the properties of the base have changed now, and I'll have another try after the weekend. I'll also email my supplier for advice - the soap base didn't come with any particular instructions. Will keep you posted on how I get on - it hasn't put me off trying again, and I'm grateful for your help, and for the link. Regards - JJ
  3. Hi PrairieAnnie The base I used was "Crystal Organic Oils Soap Base". It's all in pieces now, in a bag and not hard, but yesterday wouldn't re-melt. Rebecca has suggested I burned the base, which I think could be right. Any ideas how I can re-melt it again, please ? Thanks for replying - JJ
  4. Hi Rebecca Thanks for replying. I did keep the heat under the base while I stirred it and I think I kept it there for too long. Different sets of instructions on the Internet said not to heat it for more than 10 minutes, which I found out too late ! I then cut it up again, and grated some to try and remelt once it had cooled, but it just sat in the bowl looking sticky ! Is it ruined now or can I try again, do you think ?! It's all in a bag now, in pieces, but not hard. Thanks again - JJ
  5. Hi, I've just joined, and hoping someone can help me ?! Just failed to make my first batch of soap using Melt & Pour method. I tried it this way just to see if it was viable, with a view to moving to the Lye process later. Anyway, my 1Kg Melt & Pour soap base failed, and I don't know why. I melted the soap in a glass bowl over a stainless steel pan, and stirred it - maybe too much. The soap melted but after I added cosmetic grade colours and a few botanicals, it went gooey and hard, and refused to re-melt. Now I am stuck with the problem of soap which doesn't want to melt again. It has gone a much darker colour than I initially wanted, but I can still use this for another idea. Any ideas, please, how I can salvage this mess and at least get it to initially re-melt so that I can turn it into somethine else ? I do appreciate the opportunity of being able to ask this question - one day in the future perhaps I may be able to answer someone else's question !!! Look forward to hearing ... JJ
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