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  1. Hi, We are trying to develop 100% natural palm wax candles. We are trying to find natural sources for both colors and scents. Most fragrances and dyes appear to be synthetic. Does anyone have a good source for natural colorings? We have been looking within the natural food coloring industry to not much avail so far. Does anyone have a good source for essential oils? We are looking for reasonable quality at a reasonable price. TIA
  2. Hi, I am new to this and am interested in making 100% natural candles from palm wax. I am trying to locate a good source for essentials oils. Somewhere that offers both good quality and price. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, I am new to candlemaking. I hope to make 100% natural pillars, votives and containers using either soy or palm wax. To stay natural, it appears I should be using essential oils rather than synthetic fragrances. In doing some research, it appears that people are using 1.0-1.5oz of essential oil per pound of wax. Since a large 3x6 inch pillar is around a pound, would I need to use a full 1-1.5 oz of EO for the single candle? Looking at the costs from Wellington Fragrance and buying 16oz of EO at a time, it appears the cost for fragrance alone could run from $0.82/oz for Eucalyptus to $42.85/oz for Jasmine. The average cost of several EO's with out including Jasmine would be about $2.11 per oz. Do these amounts and numbers sound correct? How could anyone use jasmine oil in a candle and have any possibilty of making a profit? Or do you use a lot less EO than you would a synthetic fragrance? Thanks, Kris
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