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Posts posted by OverSoyed

  1. Like I said, I guess it's the way it is presented.

    When I go to a store to buy something, I'd rather spend $6.00 for something, than see extra charges (although they aren't really extra).

    I guess when you don't see each thing added to the cost, you feel less like you are being nickeled and dimed to death.

    Hope that makes sense. :laugh2:

  2. That's a different situation. I was referring to strictly selling your own items in the classies.

    I don't even know the current rates for PayPal as I don't use them often, but I believe it's 3% + 40 cents or something like that.

    But sometimes you may not be able to work it into the price...say for example you are holding a co-op, you're not selling or making any money, so why should you have to eat the charge?

    How much is the charge anyway?

  3. Something that I have always seen as funny on the board is sellers putting paypal fees on the buyers end. Granted, when you are selling something in the classies, you want to make back as much money as possible, and having to pay fees yourself cuts into that.

    I don't know, maybe it's the wording that urks me a bit. When you purchase anything anywhere, you are obviously paying for part of the businesses overhead, but wouldn't you take a step back in you walking into a store and on every shelf you saw:

    Widget - $5.00

    CC Fee - $0.25

    Signage - $0.10

    Customer Service - $0.05

    Maintainance Fee - $0.05

    Why not just include any overhead you might have (if you choose to charge it), into the price?

    Just a bit redundant to me! :confused:

  4. I hear you on getting bored. You are worse than my Gram. She lives in a 2 bedroom high rise, and the one bedroom is wall to wall plastic totes filled with crafting stuff. Crocheted towels, macrame, plastic canvas, you name it.

    We'd like to do more, but we just don't have the time. Running multiple businesses, while trying to have a life is hard enough.

    Hubby said "she made glass ipods?" referring to your pendants. :laugh2:

    You all can do this stuff too. :wink2: Look for classes and sign up, you would be amazed at the things you can learn and do after taking a few classes. I like to do many things as I get bored with one craft, sort of like I have crafters add.
  5. This may get me strung out to dry, but I'll say it anyway.

    Yes, adding scent at a higher temp. may help the FO bind to the wax better, but manufacturers have recommendations for a reason.

    The thing that jumps out at me in our litigious society is being sued over a defective candle causing a fire for whatever reason.

    All it would take is a prosecutor to ask a defendant the manner in which they produce their product, and under oath, you tell them..

    "Well, I know that the manufacturer recommends our soy wax be heated to 145-150 degrees, but I heat it to 25 degrees higher in order to get a better scent throw."

    Regardless if that can be the proven cause of problem, in many cases you lose because it can't be disproved.

    Just my two cents! :tiptoe:

  6. We have oatmeal base from WSP that already has some ground oatmeal in it, but I'd like to add some more mainly for decoration.

    My question is, we have oatmeal (quick oats)... will they work?

    Or won't they due to the fact they are quick oats with added gluten?



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