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Everything posted by tanja2007

  1. OK, I've just found another thread on how to remelt, yet it doesn't say if you have to replace the wick.
  2. How do you remelt the wax when it is wicked and in a tin container? May-be place the candle in the pouring pitcher (in double boiler) and see if it melts? then pour the wax out? Will I have to remove the wick and replace with new one? it's a Zinc core wick.
  3. Very curious what the candle-pros have to say about it. My first thought is you have to wick up, because it should melt the wax all the way to the walls of the container... but I'm really new to this all as well. Your candle has a pretty color btw.
  4. Thank you! I will try this out next time. And yes, I do use a double boiler. The first two times I've poured I never used the last bit of wax in the container, because I thought that may-be it's an impurity in the wax (dirt or so). But this last time I wasn't careful enough and I'm pretty sure it slipped into the last candle. Can I still burn it?
  5. Yes, the bubbles sit on the bottom - as said it's only a few (2-3). But I don't hear any crackling/popping when melting it. I've never used any water on the pouring pitcher - always only clean it with paper towels. Could be the wax then I guess. What effect would water bubbles have in a container candle? Would anything special happen when you burn it with a tiny amount of water "deposited" in it?
  6. Hi all, I'm a candle newbie, so please forgive my rather "stupid" question: Whenever I melt my wax IGI 4630 I see a few bubbles in the melted wax (before adding anything like FO etc.). I've tried to stir them out, but they just stay there. I don't think it's air, as whenever I try to "lift" the bubble to the surface it doesn't vanish. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? This is my 3rd pour with this wax and there always seems to be a few bubbles in the melted wax. (BTW, I did a search on this topic, but couldn't find an answer.) Thanks. Tanja
  7. Thank you all for your replies! :smiley2:
  8. Here a link to the glass jars I bought: http://www.peakcandle.com/products/10-oz-Apothecary-Jars-CASE-with-Flat-lids--12case__C1009.aspx I got a 8oz version of them, but they look exactly the same. So where do you measure for wick purposes? top or bottom?
  9. I've used 1oz warm apple pie FO (peak) on 1lb wax. The scent is really weak. But I've found out that IGI4630 can hold up to 10% so I can use up to 1.6 oz FO, right?
  10. Hi all, I've recently poured my first two (small) batches of container candles. The scent seems OK (I've already found out that I wasn't using enough scent, so will increase in future). Anyway, my main concern is the wick: I was using IGI 4630 with 8oz tins and wicked them with 51-32-18Z. When first lit they were smoking quite noticeably, but they started burning nicely after about 30-45 minutes. Is this due to the Zinc core? Also it appears to me as if the meltpool is too small. I want to wick up and replace the Zinc with a cotton or paper (?) core? I am unsure of which wick to try next. Any recommendations? Also I bought some nice 8oz country jars - their mouth is 3", however the bottom is 4". Which of the measurements do I have to consider for the wicks? I'm guessing the larger number, as I will not fill the jar all the way to the top and the narrow 3" part of the jar will not be covered with wax. Any help would be great. Tanja
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