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  1. Discouraged? Far from it - I think I got a bit of a reality check is all. I'll probably buy a kit and start experimenting. I'll probably read a lot of the boards as well. My problem is I work fulltime plus I have a part-time business already as a financial representative. I also have a six month old daughter. I'm looking to fire my boss and if I do both I might be able to do that sooner rather than later but I have my daughter to think about first and foremost. I just have so much on my plate already that I'm not sure how I'd manage it all. I know quite a few people so if I come up with some good scents I probably could make SOME money at it but I'm not sure what would be realistic. My problem will be coming up with something original since so many people already do this. I'm thinking of delivering orders rather than a traditional method but CandleLite is pretty popular for this stuff as well. So I guess I'll just start with a kit and see how it goes - you never know until you try, right?
  2. Thank you for responding. I read some posts and visited Peak candle supplies. Their kits look interesting - I might just try some. I don't really like the pillars much as I like a strong scent so I probably will start with some container candles.
  3. Hi - I'm new to this. My half-sister owns her own candle making business in California and suggested that I might be interested in it too. Can some of you share how you came to be in the candle making business? I buy lots of candles and currently am good friends with a woman who makes soy candles and sells them at the mall (I spend about $40 a month with her) and local craft fairs. I'd love to do a home based business that would let me spend more time with my daughter. How do you get started and what are some of the costs? What are some things I should do first? About how long did it take to get proficient? Is there a lot of competition? Where do you sell your candles? Thanks for your help - I look forward to getting to know all of you! Charity
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