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  1. Thanks to everyone that responded. I finally was eventually to speak to people at IGCA, NCA and Atkins Pearce, a wick manufacturer. No one was aware of any pending legislation. I was told two things, the wick needs to be self extinquishing which is the candlemakers responsibility, not a supplier, but it may be that the company's (supplier) individual policy is to only use higher bases. I'm a big fan of higher collar and use them in all my containers but these are for tealights, I don't think I higher collar is practical and if it does become part of an ASTM certification as someone replied, I probably wouldn't make them anymore. I've gone back to my supplier am waiting to hear and if anyone is interested, I'll keep you posted. Thanks again. This was my first post and I appreciate everyone's time!
  2. Hello- I'm not sure if I'm posting this question in the right category. I had been getting stock wicks from a supplier, they had always come standard with a 20mm x 3mm high sustainer base. This time, they came with a 20 mm x 6 mm base. When I questioned them I was told the tabs had to be higher, that it was going to be "the law". Has anybody heard of this or know where I can get more info? I haven't seen anything on IGCA or NCA's sites. Many thanks!
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