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I love candles

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Posts posted by I love candles

  1. My business partner and I are considering splitting up for one of the weekends this fall in order to do two very popular craft shows. The one thing that we aren't sure how to handle is the credit card imprinter since we only have one. Has anyone ever done this? Do you think it's better to not accept credit cards at one of the shows, or can you handwrite the credit card number on a slip to process it the same way we would if we had the imprinter there? I wasn't sure if this is a matter of preference or if there is something illegal to not take the imprint of the card. Thanks!

  2. Hello! I know there have been threads on here before about PayPal not accepting coupon codes. I called again the other day (just to see if things had changed!) and the customer service rep said that although they haven't created anything, there is a site that some of PayPal's customers have had good luck with. Has anyone tried this? I am not tech savvy and wasn't sure where to paste this into my PayPal button. When I tried it, it wouldn't let me buy anything :(


    Thanks for any help you can provide!

  3. I know this is an old thread but I had a couple of other questions about approaching stores. I don't have any wholesale accounts yet but would love to get one!

    - Is it better to call the buyer/owner to set up an appointment or to stop in the store to try to set it up? I am trying to decide if I should drop off my brochure/wholesale information ahead of time or just bring it if (hopefully when!) I meet with them.

    - I plan to give them a sample - do you think I need to leave a sample of every size candle I sell? I was going to bring scent samples for them to see what we sell.

    I appreciate anyone's thoughts - you all are always helpful and give me things to think about!


  4. I know - I am a little early to be thinking about the holidays but I have some down time in the next few weeks and wanted to plan ahead! Does anyone know of a great place to get Christmas/holiday mugs?

    I have seen in other posts that people have successfully made soy candles in mugs - is there anything I need to do differently when using mugs as opposed to my normal glass containers? I plan to test extensively to make sure I have the right wick but didn't know if anyone else had words of wisdom :)


  5. I did a show this fall (on a much smaller scale) that had Home Interiors, Pampered Chef, etc and I got a lot of comments about how the shoppers liked the personal touch of meeting the owner/maker of the candles and how the quality of my candles was better. Good luck with the show!

  6. Does anyone know how to set up a percent discount or offer a coupon code using the Paypal shopping cart? I would like to do something in conjunction with launching new spring scents but can't figure out any other way to do it other than literally editing the prices in the shopping cart and on my site.


  7. A fellow vendor at a fair this fall mentioned to me that it is illegal to write down someone's CSV code - has anyone heard of this to know if it is true? She had mentioned that you aren't supposed to write it down if you have the card in your hand b/c you could then use the card for your own purchase.

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