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    soap b&b

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  1. This is one from Mandy Aftel: 5 ml jojoba 20 drops essence 1/2 (heaping) tsp grated beeswax HTH
  2. They look very pretty. I love all the different colors, especially the green.
  3. Thanks for the info. I need more. I ran out yesterday.
  4. LOL@ the snot making method.
  5. Yep, snot. That's a good description. Stumbled across that by accident LOL.
  6. Looks good to me. What did you use to color?
  7. Why can't dead sea salt or epsom salt be used? Does it react negatively with the lye solution?
  8. Ahh...I hadn't thought of that. Thanks. The soap did come out a nice bright yellow LOL.
  9. I bought a 1lb jar from Kroger. It was colored a yellowish-orange. Some Amish product. The label said "natural colorant" (or something like that) but didn't state what it was. LOL I used it anyway. Meijer has an organic brand (and I'm sorry I can't remember the name) that is also sold at Whole Foods. I think its about 6.99 for 16oz though. I make a first time purchase from Wellington Fragrance. They have CO 76 at 15.95 for 7lbs. They are in Canton. HTH! http://www.wellingtonfragrance.com/index.cfm
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