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Mystic Flame

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Everything posted by Mystic Flame

  1. I'm telling you.. CHUNKS are those big chunks that you use in the piller candles. When it looks like you have taken a Hershey's candy bar and broke it up.. those are CHIPS!
  2. Bah, that's when I'll just blame it on the fairies. Or better yet... The CAT !
  3. I'm probably about as ready as I'm ever going to be. And look forwards to embarking on this new journey of... candle making, and meeting all of you.
  4. Can ya feel the love ! One has to wonder if it's going to be safe in this house with two of us working on candles together. Expecially when CK threatens to throw one of my candles at me cause I have a nice level bottem on it. What can I say... I'm good ! I suppose it doesn't help that I was rubbing it in about how level it was. Even more so with my latest creation. :neener: I was trying for a rustic poor. Now mind you, I was simply going on different things I'd over heared her mentioning. Well, I have no clue what I did exactly. (The note book I'm supposed to be writing my notes in is still almost blank save for a drop of wax with a couple arrows pointing at it saying this and that color makes this!) But needless to say, she called it something of a mold type of candle.. or something. Not sure what exactly she said. But I do remember she called it an enigma ! A pic of it will be posted in the near future. Needless to say, I get the feeling I'll be shoved from the workbench in a couple day's. That or we will be fighting for it. Anyone want to buy tickets?
  5. Hey everyone, I'm Mystic Flame, CK's roommate. Pretty proud of myself with those candles, she can't get me out of the workshop now, ROFL!! Thought I'd introduce myself, glad everyone likes the candles.
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