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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I used Peacock Dyes for the Berry Bliss (just love em) and then I used Hershey's Cocoa for the Chocolate part of the Chocolate Covered Roses and then Gel Tones for the pink top. I am not very fond of Gel Tones as it takes a ton to get a decent amount of color. BUT - the Peacock Dyes - just a squirt will do ya and they are vibrant as all get out!

  2. I am trying frantically to restock my line and it has been a hectic couple of days. One failed batch which was the Juniper Breeze (or at least it is pretty ugly so I am still undecided) I will shoot that one for the ugliest soap category tomorrow so you guys can get a good chuckle. It looks like seaweed!

    Berry Bliss


    Chocolate Covered Roses


  3. Thank you everyone and it was a challenge and I had to pour off 10 different containers and then stick blend each one and then start again with another 10. You can see the darker top in the back soap and then is went things started to get tricky as acceleration started to happen.

    I am not sure that I would do it again but it was a fun experiment!

  4. I did a batch last night with my regular old recipe and once I put in JB it accelerated with lightning speed. I think I may have lost the whole 6 pound batch as the FO has pooled on top. I had to smoosh it into the mold and it looks like bunches of broken up soap and was forced back together again. The sad thing is that I tried my order of Peacock dyes and I couldn't get it in fast enough and what a mess.....

    This is my first experience with JB and I usually test in small batches but broke my rule and I guess that is what I get.

    Has anyone else experienced this with Juniper Breeze? Shall I let it sit for a bit or is the pooling going to be an issue?

  5. I have had this happen for my B&B company many many times and even by a person that I "thought" was a friend. She was asking me about ingredients on my lotion and I casually gave basics but not quantities. She then asked me for 4 bottles of unscented which I thought was weird. I didn't send her the bottles but then was alerted that she had launched a B&B line of her own by some friends (waves to Tammy). This was AFTER I had sent her about 20 products as samples.

    I have spent 20 years in perfecting my expertise and building my line and it has been alot of work and alot of money and all I can say "burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me".

    It really is frustrating but I think that intentions need to be understood as well.

  6. Thank you for the input and I bought the Mini Ball and I am very dissapointed. My recipe is very unique and my customers LOVE it. Sure enough I tried it in the press and it just cracked and was a mess. You obviously cannot have much oil in the material and I use 3 oils. Yikes!

    I called Ron Jonas this morning and asked about returning it and I am going to be hit with a 40.00 return charge plus shipping which is another 25.00. He tried to get me to go with the large one but that is 700.00 and I can't even use my recipe - no thanks. They do not state that on the site and it is VERY misleading and quite frankly I am really peeved *argh*!!!!

  7. I did these over the weekend and my husband took the picture and I need to redo it tonight but you get the jist.

    Blue Moon - Scented with Scent Works Blue Sugar and na host of other FO's and EO's and topped with Merlot Mica.


    Sparkler - Scented with Scent Works - Sanguino Orange and Patchouli and topped with Calendula flowers. The scent is just to die for! I also cut these so that they have a texture and look like wood grain - interesting effect.


  8. Personally, I would avoid SOS all together. Their scents tend to morph in time and to something that is not too pleasant. Very poor quality FO's and their dupes are not that great (tried most of them). Yea, old timer here...

    Have you tried other FO's like Nature's Garden or Backwoods? High quality and skin safe offered.

  9. I specialize in lotion making and have been doing it for years. You need to list your ratio's and ingredients and we might be able to help.

    There are huge differences in an all Olive and opposed to a Sweet Almond/Avocado etc oil mixture. Your FO could also be the culprit as well as your preservative. Are you using Grapessed, Phenonip?

    Again having your listing of ingredients would help.

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