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Judy, USMC

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Posts posted by Judy, USMC

  1. Vicky - Thanks ever so much for acting on my suggestion. This is what I've been able to gleen from other posts I've seen. I believe these were tested and worked well in the CS CONTAINER palm wax.

    Candle Cocoon (CC) www.candlecocoon.com

    Cucumber Chaos

    Pumpkin Cornbread

    Candle Science (CS) www.candlescience.com

    Cranberry Marmalade

    Wildberry Mousse

    Indiana Candle Supply (ICS) www.candlesupplys.us

    Green Apples (Snowtop formula)

    Honeydew Melon

    Mill Creek (MC) www.mcsoywax.com

    Blueberry Muffin

    Cozy Home

    Tangerine Lavender

    Nature's Garden (NG) www.naturesgardencandles.com

    Apple Orchard

    Blueberry Muffin

    Pumpkin Crunch Cake

    Raspberry Zinger

    There were others listed but I can't find the links! Again, thanks ever so much for all your work on this forum!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lately I've been reading about some bad "batches" or "lot numbers" of wax from established internet suppliers. If you buy from them you have recourse if the batch is bad. In fact there is one that is dealing with that problem right now...and they are working with the manufacturer to figure it out! I'm just wondering if you would have the same customer service? I did get a cheap bag of it when I started but have only used it for dipping bears. Once I did start making candles I wanted to stay with one supplier - and luckily I've got one that I can pick up from.

    I do get some great oils from ebay suppliers, however. If they don't work in soy they usually will in paraffin. If that doesn't work my friend will use it in her air fresheners. All the oil gets used.

  3. Thanks for the info. I was planning on heating to 200; add the color and stir, then add the scent at about 190 and stir, and pour into a heated jar at 185. Very close to what you are doing. I was wondering about a "cure" time also with the straight container palm. I believe Jakalex only has them sit overnight before she fires it off.

    On one post Becky0404 had inquired about adding soy...I wonder if Jami uses that mix for the Pink Sugar?

    Hey Jami - if you care to share - we're ready !!!!!

  4. HUMMMM - So ICS Pink sugar works for Jami but not DOMMAMAC? I wonder what the difference is? Do either of you use an additive or make a mix with soy? :confused: Is the the temp you add the FO's?

    Gotta be something! Or is it just a "nose" thing. IMO I rate it as "light" if it only fills up the 14X18 living room and think it's "great" if it fills most of the house.

  5. Welcome to the forum! :yay:

    Great question. I would recommend that you just ask yourself what your intentions are: just a few candles for personal use or are you contemplating starting a business? If it will evolve into a business then get the larger quantity from a local supplier. I've found that a consistent product is the biggest consideration in a business arena; and staying with one wax supplier is the best.

    I also started out picking up my initial supplies. With the cost of gas rising, sometimes shipping my re-supplies is cheaper than what I would pay for a round-trip. Fragrance oils (FO) can be purchased from a multitude of suppliers.

    Just be aware that some companies require that you have a Tax ID or state resale license to make purchases "sales tax free" if that supplier is located in the same state. If you plan on making this a business you will need to follow your state guidelines. There is another section here about the business side of things.

    I am sure other forum members will give you recommendations about the suppliers in your state and the experiences with the wax they have.

    Just remember to have fun!

  6. Guess a little reciprocal info is due to you! :highfive:

    I'm using a 6 oz hex with CSN-12. Getting a little hang up in the "corners". Called them since there are 7 9 11 12 14 & 16's available to see if a 13 is coming. But it's not in the forseeable future. It seems the 20% soy is working well for you so I may bump up on the soy and keep the same wick. It's worth a try anyway...if it doesn't work I'll just go to the 14's.

    Another thing I noticed. At 10% soy the frost pattern seemed a little more noticeable...but then again these eyes could be playing tricks.

    I've just finished the KY Strawberry Rhubarb in CB-135, Frost Palm & the 10% mix. They all threw a relatively light pleasant aroma with the 135 being the strongest??? Since the aromas that worked in palm (listed on a fragrance forum thread) seemed to be fruit-based I thought it would be a good one to start with. I really, really would love to see a "Sticky" for what works in Palm. Seems the only ones getting the benefit of all my testing are my suppliers :laugh2:! OOPS!!! Didn't realize how much I've rambled. Keep us posted, please!

  7. I'm just starting to test aromas - and agree that a "Works with Palm" would be an really beneficial asset.

    It seems that almost all of the "works well" FO's seem to be Fruits! Is it because these are the only ones that work - or are they the only ones we're testing this time of year? :confused:

    Has anyone noticed a trend of "bakery" or "floral" NOT working?

  8. Hey Becky - looks like we are duplicating testing. I'm a little more cautious and just used 10% soy (CB-135) to the Frost container palm.

    I have three questions. 1) What size containers are you using? 2) What type soy are you mixing this palm with? and 3) Are you letting them "cure" any longer than overnight or 24 hrs?

    Will post my results after my test burn this afternoon.

  9. I've come up with a use for those little bits. My neighbor slices off 2 inch slabs from those pre-formed wax & sawdust logs and used them to start the charcoal in the grill. Trouble was there was no paper wrapper left to light and start this slab afire.

    So now he just puts a small slit in 2 or 3 places in the slab and inserts a wick. No fire starting fluid or wads of newspaper needed! He swears by it!

  10. I was one of the lucky ones to get a bag of the Glass Glow. Starting at 10% soy to 90% palm and there is no difference in the crystal effect in the Glass Glow or in the Frost container wax.

    Also pouring the same oil in straight CB-135 to compare the aroma throw.

    Absolutely LOVE the idea of no frosting with the Palm !

  11. Candle Man - I've discovered that vanilla's/vanilla blends don't work well at all. And with the thicker oils I needed to add more base which, in turn, "weakens" the throw. So now I primarily make scent selections based on the oil viscosity and OOB intensity.

    I looked at Candle Science when I started. But, compared to the prices charged by a majority of the other suppliers, it seemed too good to be true.

    Had good success w/Bell-A-Roma. Company contact stated it's alcohol and DPG free. HTH

  12. :cry2: I think this horse may just about be dead - BUT here are some descriptions I've copied from suppliers:

    BCN:EZ Soy - Candle Blend Flakes (soy w/additives)

    Astorlite Blend - (soy w/ additives)

    IGI Paraffin - (paraffin pre-blended w/additives)

    CB-135 (vegetable wax w/botanical Oils)

    TCS: Celestial - 100% soy

    Celestial soy blend (soy & paraffin)

    TN 70/30 (soy & paraffin blend)

    KY: Natural Wax 125 (soybean w/Cottonseed)

    Perfect Blend (soy w/paraffin)

    Paraffin Blend (no explanation)

    Para-Soy (blend of soy & paraffin)

    So if the suppliers can't get their descriptions together - :confused: How can we?

    Thanks for your input - enjoyed reading them all!!

  13. If it's what I'm thinking of - yes.

    Many, many moons ago we used to dip our "pictures" in really hot wax (180) and immediately lay it on the candle. The heat from the wax on the "picture" would melt and bond with the underlying candle and, because the wax was so hot, it would only coat the "picture" with a very thin see-through coating.

    Hope this helps!

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