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Posts posted by traceyy

  1. Well it seems I am going to make soap! I am open to hp and cp I have made cp before a few times.This is what I have on hand-lanoilin, mango butter, cocoa butter refined, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil I think that is it. I know I can get lard and stuff from Wally world. Are these anything that I can sub for stuff in this recipe-

    HP soap

    10% Castor Oil

    20% Coconut Oil

    30% Palm Kernel Oil

    20% Shea Butter

    20% Grapeseed Oilor

    this recipe for cp

    50% olive oil (no need to get extra virgin; light olive oil is great!)

    25% coconut oil (Lou Ana brand at Super Wal-Mart is perfect)

    25% lard

    Any thing in these recipes that I can use the oils on hand instead? With the cp recipe, correct me if I am wrong but I thought olive oil recipes have months and months for cure time?

    One more question and I will leave you all alone, for coloring soap, what do I need?

  2. I think I have my old mold which I beleive was a 2lb walmart mold, must open that bin asap. Im gonna look for your recipe now. The biggest problem I had with cp soap was that I cut like cr@p! I t was all uneven and gross lol I should post a picture lolI really need cutting tips or something

  3. My biggest fear was the bouncing of the lye. I remember it would bounce all over the place. I guess doing it in the sink would be the thing to do. Now I am feeling much better. Now I have to find a recipe, used to have alot but have no clue where it is. I am really sad that red devil stopped making lye =o(Does home depot sell it? Or ace hardware? I do not think I ahve a Lowes around hmmm

  4. So a couple years ago I started making soap, only made maybe 3 batches cp than got too busy to do it anymore. So now that I am back to making b&b I decided to go with M&P I have an avocado base and mango butter base. Made some soap bars and I am not impressed. My hands feel so dry after using it. Which was not what I was looking for, obviously. I have 2 young sons, 3 and 4 and a year old puppy. Where could I possibly mix lye and water to keep everyone safe? I do not have an attatched garage so it is kind of a haul to mix it in there.Where oh where can I make some soap?One more question, I want to do it in the smallest batches possible. Where can I find the smallest mold? Like maybe producing 8 bars or something?

  5. A couple years ago at work a coworker made me try some face spray she had purchased from God knows where. It was like a revitalizer or something. Like you spray it on your face and it supposedly perks you up a bit or makes you feel refreshed or something. I have been thinking about this lately because i am literally dragging butt lately at work. I just cant seem to wake up anymore lolHas anyone ever heard of this or know how I can make it or what goes in it. Or basically any info at all?

  6. It's definately dye chips specifically for MP soaps. Just bought it and got it yesterday. I just made more soap and used the dye chip and it didn't dissolve again. I was hoping the chips would work........hubby said I can't use liquid dyes anymore lol I seem to be a bit messy at times lol

  7. OK SO I bought soap chip dyes from BCN. I used it in thier MP base and they worked great! Then I wanted to make a loofah peppermint foot soap so grabbed a MP clear soap that I bought from WhoesaleSupplies Plus it's the crafters choice base. So I melted the soap and added some glycerin then added a small chip from the dye package........nothing..... the dye just stayed there in original shape and wouldn't disolve into the soap! Why would this happen? Could this mean there is something not so good with the crafters choice soap? I have never seen MP dye not dissolve in MP!

  8. One more question, as it turns out I forgot to order jars for the soy whip I ordered a bunch of bottles but somehow didnt add the 4oz jars to my order grrrrrrrrr Anyway is there anywhere any of you know f that I can pick some up? Does Walmart sell anything I can package this in? I just want to test some out helpppppppppppp

  9. I got my order from KY yesterday which included soy whip. Does anyone have any pointers for me? Should I add something to it-butters oils cyclo? Am I supposed to melt it before whipping or whip it right out of the jar? Help I am lost!@

  10. 2 Questions-First I have some Shower gel base that I want to get rid of. Is there any recipes I can make something with this other than plain old shower gel?Second question-I stopped making B&B and candles a couple years ago. Started missing it so I am back! I swore however I will not make soap I will stick to m&p. NOW I have the soap itch!! I made cp soap before but hated waiting the curing time(Im a bit impatient) So now I am sitting here debating if I should go on a lye hunt and try HP?The reason I wantedto stay away from soap was because my sons are 3&4 now and it is harder to keep them away lol I used to do the lye mixing in our garage and now my garage is too far away plus we now have a puppy. I think I just answered my own question-there are too many risks for soap.So now I will change my question-is there any way to give m&p soap a handmade look? I really wish I could get a cp swirl in these bad boys. Any advice?

  11. I bought a clear glycerin mp base from I believe WSP over a year ago I would guesstimate it was December 2005/January 2006 Is it still safe to use? I have never even opened it, it has just been sitting in a box. Is it still good to use? Or should I toss it? It doesnt smell at all,just like soap lol

  12. Just got back from Walmart, bought a new stick blender, scale for grams, bowls, spatulas, measuring cup, thermometer, and distilled water.I am now ready to try making lotion for the first time!!Wish me luck, if it doesn't go well believe me you will see me BEGGING for help shortly!Off to sanitize!!

  13. I have a stupid question that I probably already know the answer to but I will ask anyway.........My lotion supplies came today!!! YIPPEEE Anyway I have to make some lip balm and soap first but than I am going to try this lotion thing!However I forgot to buy a stick blender when I was at Walmart the other day. So I have a stick blender that I used to make soap with can I use that one? I havent used it with soap since over a year ago. Can I wash that one up strealize it and use it? Or is this not a good idea?

  14. I wanted to buy a linen/body spray base. I have used MIllcreek's in the past and like it but it doesnt seem to incorporate with the fo as well as I would like. It all sinks to the bottom, other than that I liked it.I have been eyeing KY's spray but havent ever used it. Any thoughts on which one is better? Tried making my own with cyclo once but it didnt seem to hold the scent.

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