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Posts posted by DoLLz

  1. Air pockets in palm votives. I hate those stinkin' air pockets. Even when you poke relief holes, there are still air pockets in the votive. In fact, when I repour, I use a small poker and kinda dig in the relief hole til all the air bubbles come out. If you dig too much, the cooled wax that comes up from the hole will mar the top of the votive. But, it's better than having a votive that is lit and then goes shwoooooosh when it hits the air pocket.

  2. Yes, You can smell both the coffee and caramel. When I first smelled this FO oob, it nearly knocked me out. I smelled more of the coffee than anything else. After adding it to the wax.... YUM! Mouthwatering-I-Need-A-Cup-of-Coffee-NOW kind of yum.

    Black raspberry vanilla, I have no comparison for peaks. The first time I ever found a brv was from the candlesource, and I have stuck with it since it has been tested in my waxes.

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