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Posts posted by southern.scents

  1. Actually, I would not handle the situation in the manner you described.

    Since this was a private transaction via the classifieds here, I would first review the TOS for the Classifieds.


    Since I would have had their address and telephone number (verified), I would have telephoned;

    If no luck, I would send a letter by certified mail.

    Then, I would PM the person via this site (I would have required CT Member's name so I could contact them here).

    Then, and only then when all else failed, I MIGHT ask if anyone could PM me with contact information for that person; however, I would not have posted an address nor divulged the details of my difficulty with them, as that is a private business matter between me and them and any credit card company or PayPal in-between.

    Just my opinion... ;)

    Yes, you are right there were other things to do but I just don't think momtohaley should be talked down on or second guess for her decision on how to handle the matter.

    PS.Go and check out his etsy. Just search for Yancey Candles. Look at the feedback. He is still letting his business run and just saying screw all those people who deserve their product.

  2. I totally agree, coco.This IS a private business matter. :highfive:

    A private matter it may BE but what is one to do when they have tried every private way they know??? I am just saying, if you bought from a reputable supplier and they never sent you their end of the deal, and no matter what you did, you couldn't get in touch with them, etc. They provide no excuse... You would come to a forum (as many have done) and ask what and how to contact them. Death, illness, no death, no illness, if I fufilled my end of the deal, so should you...or you tell me and we make arrangements.

  3. Good attitude Luci! Anyone who STILL is with HCM should jump ship and cut their loses. You've been warned and made aware of, over and over. At this point, it's your own fault if you're sticking with a untrustworthy business.

    What I am trying to say is, I figured out a way to save my website and move it to another server. I am trying to see if I could do this for all HCM customers that want out. If they will just slow down.....:D....at leat at this point that will still have something.....

  4. Yikes, I can't even begin to say how much of an issue I would have if this were myself and my address was posted.

    Maybe she needs that money to feed her family. The person who we are talking about should be glad that momtohaley hasn't done more....I


  5. Well, I don't have his email. I have given up on him. I am hoping that I won't have to be with his "lack of" company much longer.

    PS: Dont try contacting the new owner for help. She told me quickly that she wouldn't be servicing any of Franks customers.

  6. You site can be installed in your public.html folder. Then, when someone types your webpage in they would never see the "redirecting you to our new site." Frank stating that it didn't matter was Frank saying he didn't feel like changing and moving everything. Mine was installed in the public.html folder so when you visit my site, it doesn't redirect you.

    If you are adamant about it being changed, contact him and let him know. He can do it but its just going to make him have to work...

  7. Well, I have researched a little and Franks statement that none of the software he provided us should be released under the GNU is absolute BS. He stated that he never charged us for the cart software, he simply charged us for hosting--9.99. However, he SCREWED himself in a post on an earlier thread by stating that he has gladly hosted customers for only 4.99 because they would not be using his software. Therefore, Franks has indeed been charging us for the "HCM" software (AKA osCommerce) and he should provide us access to a full copy of the software that we legally could use as many times as we would like....

  8. Thanks for the suggestion. Just did that and here is the reply from PL as to the dispute.

    PayPal Dispute‏

    From: Penney Layne Graphics (penney@penneylayne.com)

    Sent: Sat 8/09/08 4:50 PM

    To: Rae Elliott (rae_rutherford@hotmail.com)


    Just so you know, intangible service items are not eligible for chargebacks at PayPal. Only items that are tangible and are shipped. They'll let you open up a dispute, but it is ineligible. Since you use paypal in your store we thought you should know that.

    I don't think she knows the meaning of customer service or

    the customer is always right. I am looking for a place to move my website or websites.


    NOW THIS WOULD HAVE PUSHED ME OVER THE EDGE. I would have been PISSED. Its like she is rubbing that fact that she has your money and there is nothing you can do about it in your face. Go to your lawyer as some said, keep going headstrong with that paypal dispute, and most of all MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS OF YOUR EXPERIENCE.

  9. Well, I have never delt with her so I cant speak for her customer service nor how to deal with her but just by posting bad feedback about her might speed things up. Also, if you used paypal, start a dispute. She might start working at getting your items done. BTW, if you are doing anything in which you are going to have to CONTINUE working with her and she has already proved to be someone who could careless about her customers, I would definitely get out.

  10. I have never worked with them but from what I gather from the website it is another DIY website builder. They also design graphics/templates for websites. They are not affiliated with Handcraft Market.



    Yes, Penney Layne Graphics is the current owner of what used to be Handcraft Market. Check out the whois on handcraftmarket.com, penneylayne.com diydesignhost.com . I have also spoken with here personally about HCM.

  11. Paypal users that currently have a business or premier account can get a paypal debit card for free. What's so special about that? With the debit card you earn 1% back on all purchase that you sign for (run as credit.) Even better, you can link the card to your business or personal account so you can pretty much use it for anything. There are no monthly fees or yearly fees. The only catch is you have to use paypal as your preferred payment type on ebay and your website. 1% doesn't sound like much but anything that you are getting for free is a lot. Just imagine getting 1% back on 10,000 dollars a year. I just signed up about a month ago and I have already earned myself almost $5:yay: :yay: I am not sure if it is available to everyone but my mom and I both got one. Check into it.

  12. Hi,

    I would like to do a craft project using a clay/playdough type product that dries hard, combines easly, colors easily, is easy to make or find and it has to dry into a hard mass that will not crumble or crack. Anyone have a recipe or suggestion?

  13. I know a lot of you put countless hrs into your web sites and are truly upset and worried about this. All I can say is back eveything up. I have my entire site planned out and from the get go I saved every piece of info I put on there. Arent the rest of you doing that too? Yeah it would be a bitch to rebuild your site and I know most of you dont want to do that....so I guess some of you are just going to have to have a little faith. Adam, seems like you are happy with everything else just the fact that you think he is using free software and charging you for it? Even if he is using the free software, arent there fees involved with any other Hosting company? No, not picking on you...really I am not. I just think there are a lot of computer dummies out thre, me included, that are really getting upset over this 8-9 page thread....and maybe they dont have that much of a reason to be upset and jump ship.

    Well, he already said that he only charges 4.99 for hosting but either way, I am done with it. I didn't intend for this to go this far. I am ashamed of myself for the way I have acted and I apologize.

  14. I was going to stay out of this, but I think I will add my two cents in. Adam, with all due respect, in doing what you are doing, what does this prove? All you are doing, is getting everyone's panties up in a knot (including mine). I admit, when I first heard about all this a few weeks ago, it threw me for a flip... because the details of this HCM situation were very vague. As of right now, I plan on riding it out with HCM... if you don't feel the same, I suggest you jump ship now. You need to do what's best for YOU.

    There's alot of questions that need to be answered. Instead of veering off topic... how about we stay on topic for once?

    Frank...instead of going round for round with Adam....lol, Can you calmly and politely explain, in detail what is happening with HcM? I mean none of us knows if when you change to Mazbo do we have the option of staying at HcM with the new owner or will we be switched to Mazbo? Will Mazbo be the same price? Easier to use? More choices? Will our sites transfer or will we have to rebuild? If our sites will transfer, who will be doing this? You? Us?

    Let me tell you, I'm not computer savvy. All this talk about databases and SQL whatever's is greek to me.

    You are right Creative and so are You Kimberly. I know that I have personally taken this too far, especially here on the boards. I apologize to all. I will atleast finish out this month with HCm and then after that I don't know.

  15. Ok...now this thread has turned into a pissing contest. Southern Scents...if you dont like the format, programming or anything else....take your biz elsewhere...it is just that simple! And Frank, you are just fueling the fire. You guys need to take this off the board IMO.

    I chose to stop my service a few months ago...not because of anything that Frank had done, but because I just didnt have the time to finish my site. One thing...I DID NOT get a notice that HCM was being sold.

    I do need to know how to transfer my domain once I have the time to do so.

    Huh, where are you coming from. I never said I had a problem with the format, or programming. I had a problem with the fact that Frank was charging for free software.

  16. Who are you trying to BS?

    The image displayed on the login screen is located in the /root/admin/images folder.

    The only way that image would end up in the /root/admin/images folder of an oscMax installation is if you put it there.

    Unless by 'added some mods' you mean you copied the entire /admin directory of an hcmPro installation into an existing oscMax installation.

    Sorry, I forgot the word logo. Anyways, I had tried copying the whole admin folder to a fresh install of oscmax. That didn't work either...

    I finally decided to work my way trhough the images etc, to coverup the oscmax logo....

  17. I believe what you said you were doing was attempting to turn oscMax into what hcmPro is.. which would suggest that you were starting from an oscMax installation.

    HandcraftMarket graphics and stylesheet color schemes are not included in a oscMax installation, nor would they be included in a SQL backup from an hcmPro installation.

    What you've done is either take screenshots of an existing hcmPro installation, or copied the software to another server.

    No, I had tried copying the software to another server, never could get it to work. Lots of errors.... So I started for the plain old oscmax, added in some mods, took the style sheets from the backup of my site added them in and presto, thats what you get..

  18. haha.. I like how the screenshot of the login page the script for HandcraftMarket is clearly visible across the top left.

    Nice uhh.. 'programming' work, there skippy. ;)

    I never said that I was gonna go through the trouble of rewriting css sheets and uploading new logos etc....

    Those came from MY backup

  19. What sets hcmPro apart from oscMax isn't the orange color back end.. it's the stuff in 'Layout & Design' and 'Page Manager'.

    It's all rather moot at this point, since i'm not in the hosting biz anymore besides maintaining the existing clients I have.

    If you can build a better builder, more power to ya. Heck, if a stock osCommerce or oscMax install is as easy as MissMary says it is, you should just be able to load up oscMax and go, man. ;)

    Oh, I am sooo sorry that I did not go into super close detail.....



  20. Well then, put it to the test.

    You have full access to your MySQL database. If hcmPro is just a rebranded version of oscMax, then the database should just drop right into a stock copy of oscMax and run, right?

    I mean.. if I didn't write any code.. then you should be able to do a straight dump of your hcmPro SQL into an oscMax install and be off and running, right?

    I mean.. it's the same thing, you keep saying. You keep telling everyone in this thread you can get the same thing for free.. So let's see you do it.

    I just upgraded your account with File Manager and Fantastico access.

    HOLD UP, I never said it was an exact copy but Frank, it is pretty durn close. You want to know what I have been doing for the past day, taking oscMax and turning it into what HCM is now. Now, I still have a ways to go but, I am pretty close to having what is a near exact copy of HCMpro. Don't beleive me. A screenshot of my admin panel is attatched. This software is on a completely different server. All I did was install oscMax (unmoded) and then start adding things in and changing things. BTW. Who in the hell needs file manager. You think that was protecting you from people seeing the backend, changing things. Its called FTP.



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