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Posts posted by Jokerjen

  1. I can see that...I wasn't asking people to fan me....but thought others might want to share theirs.

    What I wanted to know is if it has helped business or how they "run" the fan page? It is new to me..but I have only had it a week and it has already gotten me business.:cheesy2:

  2. I struggled back and forth for years with decisions like this.........especially when the other half is only employed seasonally.

    I had ups and downs with my health (still do) but ultimately this is what I love, makes me happy and I know I make a good product.

    So when the opportunity came up for this store, I got my ass in gear and got together a business plan.....

    Now, I know it will take some time to get my name out there but I am confident that I made the right choice.

    It also helps that I had the complete support of my spouse and children and most of my family.

    No one is really going to be able to make the choice for you.......for me, it was something I wasn't ready to give up..... I decided now was the time to give it everything I have....it also helps that my baby is going to be 11, so things are easier in the sense that I don't have to worry as much about babysitters and such, right now the hubby can take him and pick him up from school.....

    I will just have to learn to plan meals better...lol They are used to having me home to cook everyday...

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