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Posts posted by cowgirl

  1. Granted I don't know how to make CP/HP soap yet but I do know that kerosene is great for cutting oils, grease, even tar, diesel fuel is the same way, when I get tar on my car from the highway I always go to the farm and get diesel on a rag and wipe it off. Never even thought about it being in a soap, new one on me. Hopefully you could put some kind of EO (orange) in it to cut the smell ???? Now I want to purchase a bar of this soap just so I can see how it works, keep us informed kimberly

  2. My son has my camera I really need to go get that since he is terrible about bringing things back sometimes so I found this post by glo that shows a pic probably better than I can explain it but just think 2 oz. I packaged 2 - 2 oz rounds to a bag with a fish in each. I used a measuring cup like michi suggested. Was rather a tight fit, had to end up slicing a sliver off the end to make it work


    I got my stuff @ KY it said small bag & large bag. I got the small one thinking it would be easier for kids to hold the soap, only probably is its 3x8 bag and that is kinda hard to mess with, small opening & tall

    Last night I played around with lining a check book box too, took me awhile to figure out how to line it but I am thinking maybe I can cut that into thirds/fourths & just embed fish in that also.

    most of my friends have small kids or grandkids i will be testing it out on them so i am sure i will get some feedback, kids always have such a cute way of telling you what they like and dont like, sometimes they have some great ideas too!!!

    geesh I need more coffee i have edited this thing twice

  3. Ok I played around with some molds tonight, the bags are cute but a PITA cuz I got the smaller ones. I looked around and finally decided on using my votive molds & those measuring cups that are 4oz that you get in candle kits that are pretty much worthless.......anyway, I make them 2 oz and put 2 to a bag with the fish.....looks pretty good and great for small hands plus being round i think it might actually turn out pretty good for smaller kids. My 20 yr old swiped some for himself lmao said he was out of soap lamooo

  4. See, what did I say, you all are an inspiration!!! Wow Michi, I love your soaps.

    When you put the ducks in, either way you described, how high do you pour the soap on the duck? How many uses should you get before the duckie goes swimmin' in the real water? Mine popped right out.

    Isn't that the truth, all the photos i see on the forum are just wonderful.

  5. Cowgirl, I think I will eventually do the fish in a bag, I saw some I liked (I think they were Meridith's) that were flat instead of a big blob. What problems did you have making them? I am just having fun right now. I just need to figure out how to keep the silly ducks in the soap for more than one bath. I also did a bar of "Cukes & Melon" in clear soap with a drop of red and put a small strawberry Shortcake toy in it, my daughter loves it but wanted to use the ducks tonight. What fun, huh?

    sorry i didn't reply earlier, my isp has been down. anyway what i find difficult is that i purchased the smaller bags and the opening is really small, so i folded down the top of the bag and used a funnel, which really isn't too bad. i am always looking for easier ways tho. a couple of them i waited too long to embed the fish and got a couple air pockets around his mouth but looks like the fish is breathing lol. the bags i purchased fit 4 oz of soap nicely

  6. Let's say I order a pair of boots from your website, you dont have the boots at your facility, manufacturer is notified of a sale, they are then shipped from the manufacturer to the person who ordered them = drop ship

    no overhead expenses

    and of course you pay the manufacturer and make a profit off the sale

  7. Ok, this fish in a bag is a PITA !!!! They are rather cute tho, I think next time I will get some lizards & frogs. gotta figure out a way to do it faster tho. these would be good to sell at your county fair, all those little kids running around. if one kid has something they all want it lol

  8. ETA: I remember my great grandmother making a plain lye soap when I was a kid. Not sure if the lye soap was great for stains or if that was just the way it was back in the old days because she sure refused to modernize herself.

    OOOPS !!! didnt hit the edit button did i lol

  9. Thanks for the links girls, I will see what I can round up on those sites.

    I purchased 'the soapmakers companion' on amazon, the description said something about homemade laundry soaps, I just have a gut feeling that book isn't going to tell me much about laundry soaps/detergents.

    I wanted to post here to all you experienced ppl and see if you had ever tried it.

    Greese & oil from tractors/semis is so hard to get out let alone the normal ground in soils from the farm life.

    We have actually discussed getting uniforms from a company that comes by each week to pick up the dirty ones and drops off the cleans ones. All that greese is hard on a washer too. My washers are lucky to last 8 yrs (sigh)

  10. Yea it sounded like alot of work to me but I was curious because it sounded so professional and no worry of labels coming off.

    I wish I had gotten a laser printer instead of my inkjet all in one

    Glad you like your new printer. thanks for lettin us know

  11. I get to play with my 'fish in a bag' tomorrow. I never even thought about bugs, lizzards etc, good idea erin. Oh well there is always next order. I did find some really neat stuff searching today after reading this post.

    Yep Carrie, thats what i see on their website too, i didnt receive any emails stating any different or see any post on the board about changes

  12. As far as grass stain, that is another whole story, I have a really hard time getting that out of football uniforms. Lestoil really helps but man it makes clothes stink even when you use fabric sofener.

    Oh well it was worth the question, thanks for putting my mind to rest about the subject

  13. I really need to ask this question as stupid as it may sound, most of you will probably think this is totally ridiculous and what is she thinking.

    I have been reading alot in the past couple months about soaps. I come across very little information about laundry detergents, which actually intrigued me because we live on a farm and the clothes do in fact get very dirty which got me to thinking... if I made my own it might get the farm clothes cleaner. Something that might be a little more abrasive than what you find in the regular stores. All the extra cleaners that I purchase to keep farm clothes 1/2 way clean are costing a fortune.

    Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated maybe its just not possible but I thought it was worth the question

  14. I am stuck trying to decide between using clear inkjet labels or inkjet rub-on decal paper (which leaves the printing on the bottle without a label - available here http://www.papilio.com/inkjet_rub_on.htm).

    Has anyone used the inkjet rub-on decals or any rub-on stickers for labeling on plastic bottles before that may have some input on them? I was thinking that they would look nice but I'm having a hard time picking which way to go.

    Thanks in advance.

    i know this is an old thread but i was just wondering what choice you made on this.

  15. ok maybe i didnt word that correctly about the pin holes on the sides....i guess what i am trying to ask is ....because the overpour wax has to go 'around' the chunks is this what could have caused them or would it be because i just poured in the center and not 'around' so to speak. oh heck i dunno what i mean at this point, i'll figure it out tomorrow im tired lol

  16. I am with you gdawg, I started out with this jar using C3. I went through so much wax tryin to figure it out I just set the jar to the side for awhile.

    Cindy, I tried the HTP 105 also my 2nd or 3rd burn still had tons of hangup THICK. Even the 4th burn was awful. However that was before I got my scale too and I was measuring not weighing so that was probably my problem however I am just not ready to tackle that jar again real soon. I did get a sampler pack of cottons and premier 700 I need to try

    Good luck Cindy I know how you feel girl. I tried LX, HTP, CD (up to 18, didnt have 20's) RRD, nothing worked for me, hope your luck is better than mine

  17. Well I tried my first chunk votive and I am not happy with it. Only thing I did like were the colors I used. I did a layer of pink, then blue, then pink & blue together on top with a clear overpour using 90% 474/ 10% 444. I wasn't real sure what temp to pour so I tried 165*. The pink chunks were thinner and smaller than the blue ones. What is really kinda neat about it is the pink melted when I did the overpour and it just kinda flowed between the blue chunks and the clear overpour in a couple of place, I think its kinda neat actually. Not sure how that happened cuz I thought 165* was kinda a close range (maybe not). I didn't use FO since I am just trying to figure this chunky stuff out.

    Anyway, there are some little pin holes on the side like 4 or 5 of them. Is this normal for a chunk candle??? I would post a pic but my son has my camera.



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