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Posts posted by modhatter

  1. 'Very nice. I guess if you are a candle maker and live in Ohio or Texas, you've got it made in the shade. (Lots of suppliers)

    Notice there is NOTHING listed for all of California. That's strange.

    Maybe California is just to hip to polute the air with candles. Watcha think?:embarasse

    There is another supplier in Arizona that I know of not listed, called Honey something. Not big on fo's but does carry some good waxes.

  2. For those of you using the Golden Brand 444 soy wax, can you tell me how long you wait after pouring to do a test burn on it. I know soy takes considerably longer than parafin, which is what I am used to. I had heard that the 444 doesn't take as long as some other soy waxes.

    Of course, it has only been about 30 hours for me since I poured them, but I'm chewing my nails to the bone, and wishing I could go to sleep and wake up when they're ready. Sometimes I think we never grow up.

  3. OK, I've had it burning now about two hours. You did not state what wax. Mine is a parafin 4627. It's a pleasant smell and I know others have raved about it, but it does not compare to Peaks mango papaya. That one really rocks. If you havn't tried it, at least get a sample.

  4. Not to diverse. I made it yesterday and have it burning now. It is in Parafin though. I will post you back tonight with my verdict.

    See you are a Josh Groden addict. Glad to hear it. So am I. He is just too too good. I inquired about tickets to see him. They were over $1000 here in Florida. The cheapest I could find was midwest somewhere (can't remember now) for $650, and those were the cheapest seats.

    It is a shame only the rich can enjoy him in person.

  5. Thought I would pass this on to the new new newbees. I have read several posts here asking if you could use your container wax for tarts. WELL.......

    So as not to waste wax when pouring my containers and using 4627 wax for the first time, I poured the excess I had left over into some clamshell molds. BIG MISTAKE. You could burry those suckers 10 ft. down in the ice in the NORTH POLE and that wax will not get hard.

    Have to scrape it out with your finger nails. So if you are using THIS wax, don't think about making tarts with it. Better to make up some tealights beforehand and have them ready for your extra wax.

  6. Well we all know that heat rises (your hot air gravitates to the highest point), there by bringing any scent from below up. However, weather there in AZ now is very nice, so I wonder if it still applies. Unless you have heater on which is doubtful.

    Certainly would apply up North in heated houses with two stories.

  7. Now I can only tell you my impression OOB. The one that really blew me away was Mango Papaya. LOVE LOVE LOVE this one.

    I also liked Vanella Mint. Has anyone tried this. As I only have a 1 oz. tester, I am unsure if I should try it in soy (GB 444) or I should do it in Parafin.

    Also love the Sage and Lemongrass out of the bottle. After so many people raving about Pink Sugar, I was not overblown by this one, but I may change my mind when I get it in wax. I also got Lavender which I really liked- but want to mix it with something. I got a bunch more and I really can say I am very pleased so far.

    I liked the Mango Papaya so much, I couldn't wait until the weekend, so after just cleaning up my kitchen this morning and putting everything away............... out everything came again, so I could at least make one big container of the Mango Papaya for me. I did it in Parafin 4627 so I'd be able to test burn it sooner, but will try it in GG444 this weekend.

    Now this by the way was just after ridiculing my 26 year old son for leaving all the packages from our shopping trip in the car, because he Just couldn't wait to load and play a new Play Station game he bought while we were out.

    I am saying to him "You just can't wait" Your just like a kid. Don't you have ANY self control. Well, you can imagine what he had to say to me when he saw me dragging out all the candle equipment, right after I cleaned up and put it away. Had a good laugh together.

    My most VERY FAVORITE scent is Honeydew Mellon-which I did not order. Has anyone tried Peaks, or any other for that matter that they might recommend?

  8. I think it is OK to ask this question here. I am always looking to read more and more information. I like this board as it seems to be the most active one and well laid out one that I have found. I am familiar with only two others that seem to get some activity though not as much as this one.

    It is the Candle Cauldren and Scent Review. Are there any others that I don't know about that get activity.

    I like the fact that you can ask questions on this board about other suppliers, locations and opinions. This is restricted on some boards as they are sponsored by a candle supply company (and they don't want any competition) which I guess is understandable.

  9. For those of you who have made the transfer from Parafin to soy I wonder what finallly prompted you to do so. I would think for those especially who make container candles, the scent and the throw is what it is all about. Since you know that you can not get as good a throw using Soy (as some of you even blend the two waxes) and have to add even more fragrance oil in most cases to try and compete with the parafin candle throw - what made you do it.

    Are your reasons strictly environmental? There is some debate on this issue still. Are there other reasons? If there is not SIGNIFICANT difference in the burning polution, why so gung ho. I know some will say because it is easier to produce here, but most people don't consider that when they purchase most thinngs.

    I sometimes wonder how much is the "new fad" and how much is sound judgement. Candle makeing is no different than any other market. It is continually changing. Things go in and out of popularity all the time. And there is always a significant portion of the buying public, that are quick to jump on to the newest fad (be it good or bad) They are the first to change their hair style to resemble some popular movie or TV star, the first to pay $3.00 for a cup of coffee and the first to buy what ever the newest rage is.

    And of course in order to sell this "new product" we must justify the reasons for buying it. So would like to hear your thoughts on the subjectl.

  10. Yes, I retired my candle making about 4 1/2 years ago. Come back and now I see all these soy candles you guys are making. New waxes, new wicks (zink a no no now, and I probably have 50000 of them) Almost forgot everyting I learned. (blame it on my old age) Notes-well I lost those a long time ago. So, almost like starting all over again.

    One observation. I find the Fo's a better quality now in many places.

  11. Well, I apologize for the double post, but what happened was when I posted it the first two times (backed out of the program and came back several times - NO POST.) So I tried it one more time, and WALAH two posts.

    Sorry, don't know what was wrong. Never had that happen before.

    Well, anyway. It looks like my pre-conceived ideas were all wrong anyway. To me, I prefer the jars for the scent, and pillars for ombiance.

    For those people who answerd from Azizona, I am sure you are familiar with that candle store on I think it's Thomas Rd. and 28th St. Actually he has several now in Arizona. He has every conceivable candle in the book there but no jars. I know he tried them at one time but then discontinued them.

    Interesting..... Haven't been there in a while, so don't know if anything has changed. Fantastic store. Wish everyone on this board could have a look at it. They would drool.

  12. I have a pre-conceived notion that scented jar candles and tarts sell better up North and pillars and votives sell better in the south.

    As in example: A friend was at a large show in Phoenix, Arizona and told me that the booths with scented containers was dead, but the booth with the scented pillars and votives was hoping.

    What part of the country are you from, and what do your customers prefer?

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