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Posts posted by SevenHillsCandle

  1. I find this to be quite interesting.

    The National Association of State Fire Marshals has petitioned the Consumer Product Safety Commission regarding candle safety. They are proposing that candles be self-extinguishing and that the candle industry take some responsibility in fires that are caused by candles being left unattended. They say although the consumer is at fault, that the industry should have to take some responsibility.

    They also say that alot of lead wicks are still in use, which is misleading because it is only candles being imported from overseas which have these--I have never seen them for sale at any suppliers. They are recommending industry changes.


    This is the Consumer Product Safety Commission's voluntary standards regarding candles:


    And if you just do a search here, you will be blown away with the pages and pages of recalls:


    This is just another example of the consumer or people in general not taking responsibility for their action. So now the person who starts a fire because they didnt blow out the candle when they went to bed isnt at fault, we the candle makes are. Hmmmmm. Why dont we group this person with the clown driving around with a hot cup of java in their crotch. Not to forget the person who uses their hair dryer in the tub. People just need some common sense and realize there is a direct relationship between cause and effect.

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