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Everything posted by SevenHillsCandle

  1. "bayberry Candles When Burned To The Socket, Bring Luck To The House And Gold To The Pocket".
  2. This is just another example of the consumer or people in general not taking responsibility for their action. So now the person who starts a fire because they didnt blow out the candle when they went to bed isnt at fault, we the candle makes are. Hmmmmm. Why dont we group this person with the clown driving around with a hot cup of java in their crotch. Not to forget the person who uses their hair dryer in the tub. People just need some common sense and realize there is a direct relationship between cause and effect.
  3. The debate will never end as people will always have an opinion and be strong in their convictions. The problem as I see it is people making false claims about their products or only pointing out the negatives about the other type of candles. You know kinda like politicians.
  4. Sorry to hear about your experience. I have only dealt with them once. everything was fine. Hope you find a new jar supplier soon.
  5. Ohaus JR 300 Ruby and Ohaus CS 2500 are what we use. Both work great.
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