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Posts posted by Bill

  1. I still have to do 2 pours on mine but I started using Soy Lite additive and it has GREATLY improved the apperance of my votives. I also pour around 140, I couldn't avoid bubbles if I poor too cool. I usually do a first pour, poke relief holes after 15 minutes, do a final pour 20 minutes after that and then zap with a heat gun. I have had success using the additive at 1% and I just finished a small batch at 3% but I still have to do some test burns. I will try to post some pics later on tonight.

  2. LOL!

    that is a very good point!

    i just love candletech soooo much.

    yeah i guess i am leading them to others who make candles as well......:laugh2:

    I think your site looks great. The black and white theme really shows off the colors of your candles. I don't think that the link to candletech will hurt you either. People either want to make candles or they don't. I think you would lose very few customers (if any) due to that link.

  3. It looks like you need to wick down to me. My problem is wicking up, so go figure lol!

    I have a question about heating the jars for everyone out there. Do you attach the wick and then heat the jars (my wick started to melt) or wick it after warming?

    I always heat my jars first and then attach the wicks. The jars are usually not too hot to touch and isn't a problem but they can get hot quick so be careful!

  4. Thank you Fern and everyone who commented on this thread! I think I am going to re-melt some of those down as I know the wicks were too small anyways and try some experimented with them. The temp seems to be a big deal with everyone that does soy and I keep my house at 70 so I am going to try some different methods for cooling the candles slower and see how they go. I will post pics when I am done!!:yay:

  5. I had a friend show me this online the other day too and I wouldn't mind getting one. However, I figure it's just a matter of time until someone sues. If someone can collect a check for suing McDonalds for serving too hot of coffee then I am sure there is some yahoo that will find a way to get paid for this lol!

  6. Ok, so I poured these candles using EcoSoya CB, various CD's and Premier wicks for testing, and using creamy vanilla from Lone Star and spiced cranberry from Bittercreek. I had some issues with the tops of the candles that was discussed in the Candle Tops thread I started.

    Well........I zapped them with the heat gun and holy crap. The frosting exploded and I developed wet huge wet spots that weren't there before!! But hey, the tops look good, lol. Anyone else have problems like these after using the heat gun?

    Thanks for everyones help too, I need it lol:laugh2: !




  7. Well I happened to be out at my daughters karate class last night and took a walk down to some stores and looked at the Yankee's and White Barns and so forth and all can say is I feel better, lol.:D I never noticed how terrible some of the big name candles can look!:laugh2: I have to keep in mind that it's all about the quality of the burn and the cold and hot throws, not so much the appearance. Don't get me wrong, I am still going to look at perfeting my candles, but I just won't put as much importance on it as I was before.

  8. So I was wondering if anyone else ends up with tops like this after a repour? Maybe I repoured too soon as the wax on the inside was still a little too hot. I was told that hit it with a heat gun and it should smooth it out. Anyone else have any suggestions as how they fix this problem? DSCN0973.jpg

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