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  1. one thing i found with the round labels is that if you run the labels one way and it doesnt fit right... turn the label and run it from the opposite side. worked for me.
  2. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about it. There are ways of disabling the right click feature if you know HTML. The other downside is when you go to internet sites the page downloads to your hard drive anyway. You can browse your temporary internet files and still find what you're looking for if you know what you're doing. You might try putting an image more like a watermark with your company name across your image. Make it light enough to see the company name without distorting the original image. HTH.
  3. Well it's been two days now and the candles still look fine. I had read many articles on other message boards about adding some type of vegetable shortening like Crisco to the wax. It makes it smoother and got rid of my frosting and seemed to help with the wet spots too. Let me know how it works out. Jarrod
  4. I was just in your shoes. I tried everything to get rid of the frosting and nothing seemed to work. I gave in to the Crisco solution I have read about and guess what..... It seemed to actually work. We will see in a few days how it turns out. I used about 1/2 oz pp of soy wax. HTH. Jarrod
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