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Posts posted by sudsy

  1. If someone is going to get my money for a recipe, I want it to pay for their hard work, not because they know how to paste and cut on their computer.

    I couldn't agree more. It think it's a shame that we have to be so careful because some idiot could take our formulation and sell it for their own profit. Nevermind that it took you six months to perfect!!

  2. I would try it and see. It would be an add on for your existing customers, or you might attract people with soap that weren't looking for candles. I would have soaps in the same fragrances as my candles so that when a customer falls in love with a scent you could mention "i also have that fragrance in soap..."

  3. Couple of things. First a scale is totally necessary in soaping. You run your recipe through the lye calc and if it's off, well it can either become lye heavy (ouch!) or just yucky and oily. Or about a million other things! Get a scale and you'll be much more successful.

    When you resized the recipe did you run it through the lye calc again or just resize the amount of lye and water like the oils?

    You should also get a stick blender. It will be your new best friend!

    Don't give up. Soap is so fun and with those few changes I'll bet you get it down.

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