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Posts posted by katie

  1. Before I started making candles I was approached by someone from Candle wealth at a craft show, she was selling candles but she didn't seem into selling candles but more to recruiting people. To be honest I wasn't too impressed with her candles but I just new by their high price that it was a scheme. That night I went online and did a search. I knew that one got get a starter kit at a much more reasonable price. There are so many great companies that you can find on this site to get a starter kit to try. Making candles is great but one could start small and then keep growing without breaking the bank. But it is addicting.

  2. While I was buying my wax at Genwax. I came across Egg Nog FO that was on clearance, they said they can't get that oil anymore. But I have to say it is very true just like out of the carton. Its creamy and a bit spicy. My best seller at the moment. And it's 50% off right now.

  3. I only make candles so I couldn't go through the soapguild.

    They refered me to The Handmade Beauty Network, and you can get insurance through their membership, with membership and insurance I paid about $516. This was the best offer that I could find in my area. I was quoted $1200 and up.

    And it was super quick less only a few days and I had my insurance cert. asap and they are very helpful.

    Hope this helps.

    My insurance is for Product Liability 1,000,000 coverage.

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