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Posts posted by mssheddy

  1. I make palm pillars and every once and a while I'll get a sticky one, usually when I forget my mold release spray. I generally just melt it back down, spray my mold really really good and repour. I've also tried the hot water trick when I have a really bad one, that will work some times too. Never used the palm steric, but now thinking I may have to try it.

    Good Luck, Heather

  2. Hmmm...maybe I'll try mixing in a bit of my 4786, see what that does. Thanks for the idea Alyce.

    I'm holding out some hope that it is just that scent. It seems that the wildberry zinger and red hot cinnamon are doing well so far. They don't smell as strong as they do with my usual wax, but I suppose I'll have to find a bit of patience and just keep trying.


  3. I used 1 oz pp. I am just now testing that FO as well. Have done a few palm pillars with it, they smell great cold. I get all of my oil's from BCN...never had an issue. I poured Wildberry Zinger Tea in the 6006 and cold throw is great with that...just wondering the the Basil Sage Mint is going to be a pain...might try 1.5 oz pp and see how that turns out.

    Thanks for the input guys!


  4. Finally bit the bullet and ordered a slab of this wax and poured a few testers, 4 oz. j j's. I can't believe how pretty this wax is! However I'm having one little issue. No cold throw, none, zero, zip. Now, I know patience is required and two days may not be long enough, however I'm really one of those instant gratification kinda girls and this is really bumming me out. I normally use IGI4786 for my containers, perhaps I got used to immediate cold throw with that wax.

    Anywho, heated to about 195, added FO (BCN Basil, Sage & Mint), stir stir stir, poured at about 170. They have been setting for two days and no scent at all.

    I this just me? Am I going to open the jar and all of a sudden be blown away ?:embarasse

    Thanks, Heather

  5. The easiest way I have found to do the dry oil sprays is to put my bottle (2 oz.) on my scale, tare the scale, add .25 FO, .25 GSO, and 1.50 cyclo. I use this for every scent I make, super easy. I usually make at least 6 of each scent at a time so I line my bottles up on the scale, start w/ GSO and tare the scale after adding the .25 to each bottle, than do the same w/ the FO and finally the cyclo. You could cut those in half for the 1 oz. sample bottles.


  6. I would simply ask if you could stop into her office and discuss the quotes, that you are more comfortable dealing face to face. I am an insurance agent and let me tell you, I much prefer working with my clients face to face, especially new customers, it allows you to make a better connection than over the phone or via email. If she cannot give you a legitimate office address to visit than I would be leary. I do agree with what the other agent on board said, could be she represents several companies or gave an agency name.


  7. Hi all, I think this if my first post here..been lurking on the boards for quite some time. Anywho, my name is Heather, been making candles for 4 years, mostly just as a hobby, selling a few things here and there, couple of craft shows, etc..nothing serious yet. Lately I have been putting some serious thought in to opening a shop within the next year or so and was wondering, for those of you who do have a shop...did you have any luck securing small business loans or grants? How about all of those mythical resources for women business owners? I've been doing some research online and there is just such a glut of info...most of it junk...just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Just trying to get my ducks in a row...see if this would be a feasible venture.

    Thanks so much, Heather

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