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Posts posted by bwc

  1. Your website is very professional! I love the jars you've chosen.

    I just have a few comments: I couldn't tell what was different about your election clamshells. I think you should work on your "about" info regarding verb tenses and some grammar mistakes. Lastly, unless your "list" and "our" prices are different, such as during a sale, showing both is redundant. I would change "our" price to "sale" price.

    Again, it was a very nice website!

  2. After spending 20 years as a transcriptionist, I still couldn't find my own mistakes, but I could always find someone else's. I think we just "fill in the blank" with our minds when we see a word we have put in ourselves.

    first page - phthalates instead of phalates

    Should the word "good" have the "G" capitalized?

    Scent descriptions: "sweet, scent" doesn't need a comma

    I suppose once you have corrected "payal" on the home page the rest of the pages will update?

    Nice site!

  3. I don't make candles. I can't even burn most candles except for vanilla because of severe allergies and asthma. However, and this is just my opinion, I would never buy a candle in a jelly or hexagonal jar. I can't understand why someone would go to all the expense and years to learn how to make a perfect candle and then, when they use that talent to go into business, they choose something so plain and ugly. After years of testing, why not choose something that makes your product different and exciting, something that makes your product unique and sets you and your company apart from everyone else?

    I enjoyed Ecco's website; it was unique (even though it was so dark) and I just knew that his candles would be something special. Then I opened the web page and there was a hexagonal jar. Boom! I was no longer interested. I did enjoy his painted glass, though. IMHO, all the hype in the world does not make a hexagonal or jelly jar special, and I think the candle makers who realize that are the candle makers who make the big money, who take their jars and packaging to the next level.

    Off my soapbox now. Please don't throw big stones at me.

  4. Thank you all for your prayers. It surely has been hard to understand and accept. He was an IT person and not in the heavy fighting, but there were special circumstances involved with his marriage that pushed him beyond what he could endure after he got home and we think that is what made him lose hope and decide to end his life. He was the last person you would ever expect to do that.

    The tentacles of suicide are insidious; counselors told us back in 1988 (after my oldest nephew committed suicide) that, once there has been a suicide in the family, it makes it more "acceptable" for others in the family to consider it because it takes away the stigma. For those of you who have had the same heartbreak in your own family, please be aware of the danger.

  5. I haven't mentioned this before on this forum, but my nephew committed suicide in May four days after he came back from Afghanistan. I had wanted to buy the military candles to send to my sister and her husband, my ex-BIL and his wife, and my nephew's widow as a tribute to my nephew, but I had not been able to afford it until I was given some money by my dad last Monday. So I shot an email to Tom asking him if he had any in stock, and before you could say Merry Christmas, he had them wrapped, packed, and shipped. My sister got hers in time for Christmas and she expressed how beautiful the candle is and what a great tribute it is to her son. She said she was only going to light it on certain days, and then I told her it had the tealight in it so the candle won't be messed up when she does light it. She was very appreciative of the workmanship.

    Thank you again, Tom, for such outstanding service. I truly appreciate it and I want everyone on CT to know how you went above and beyond the call of duty to get those candles out!

    Donna in CO

  6. So I should probably just buy the polypro bags and then after I get them all packaged, place them in an airtight container. I'm thinking about putting them in a consignment store where my daughter is interning for her business class.

    Thanks for the info!

  7. I called Uline and also Papermart today and asked about their polypro bags and whether, after they are sealed, they will allow the fragrance to leach out of the bag. These are for the cardboard car air fresheners. Both of them told me that there is no guarantee that the fragrance won't leach out. Does anyone have an ideas? I would love to make these, but I also have severe allergies, and I can't have all the scents leaching out and mingling together.


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