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Posts posted by leisa2003

  1. I got my 3rd order now, from Natures Garden. I must say, I have tried just about all of the suppliers listed with candletech, and many are good. I have never been in question of ANY of N.G's F.O.'s that I have received yet.

    What are some of your fragrances you have gotten from them??

    I plan to continue to order from them and wanted to see what ones a few of you here would suggest.


  2. If you search further down the page, you will find this link...


    Corrupt CompaniesSubmitted: 10/4/2006 10:54:39 PM

    Modified: 10/11/2006 1:50:54 AM


    Sweet Cupcake Candles And Gifts ripoff and unprofessional Leighton Alabama *Consumer Comment ..Thank Youline.gif


    Sweet Cupcake Candles And Gifts



    Leighton Alabama


    Phone Number:


    Fax: line.gif

    This whole company has been a mess. There are only a handful of people who are happy with the company, they just happen to be the loudest. The back office forum is a joke. Just a bunch of bored, lonely women with nothing better to do but sit and suck up to the boss. Nothing has gone as promised with this company. The same excuse is ALWAYS given. "Give it time, they got way more people than they thought, and she is pregnant." If you can't handle starting a business pregnant, then don't! If you got more people than you thought, freeze enrollment.

    The boss seems to spend more time on the forum getting her ego stroked than working. If you even think about saying, "Hey, what is going on here, when can we get some answers?", you get the same five brown-nosers personally attacking you. Shipping has taken a month, if they got your order at all. Some people's credit cards were charged twice.

    No promises have been kept. If she can't handle it pregnant, how will she handle it with a newborn? The support desk is supposedly up and running, but literally only a handful of people have heard anything back from them. There are TONS of grammatical errors, listing errors, and completely wrong items on the page.

    The list goes on and on and on. I was a consultant there. I am no longer. Exponetially more people are dissatisfied than satisfied. Unfortunately they others have WAY more time on their hands. In the sub groups, people are dropping like flies because of all the broken promises of the company. The owner even, in mass emails sent to all the consultants, uses phrases such as, "we was trying." Not making the Alabama educational system look good, or the company.

    The whole thing is more of a knitting circle, that a company.

    Someone who got out

    Leighton, Alabama


  3. Acaidian Girl, I am sure that does work well, but for many of us who have children, its not worth the risk for a little tart. I will play it safe in my home, and keep mine in my tart warmer that has very tall sides on it. Like someone else had mentioned, children....In my case even my dear husband would prolly make a mess unplugging it to plug in something else. LOL!!!


  4. Well, I had a fire inspector come into my home, cause it is a requirement here in my town, for a vendors licence to be able to sell candles out of my home. Guess What!!!! The inspector said NO WAY!!!!! Bad, Bad, Idea!!! He said they are very dangerous. The wax can get melted down into the socket, and cause a fire into the wall. He said that many people dont here of this, cause they fail to check with their local fire depts on the potential dangers of these.

    Didn't want to take any chance here. Just thought i would share!!!!


  5. Hi, I stopped using Snowtop fragrances, due to I live like 10 minutes from their and they stopped all pick-up orders, and the shipping costs for just 15 mins. away was rediculous. Especially for the wax. Is her oils the BEST any of you have tried? Just wondering if it may be worth driving alittle further to other suppliers here in Ohio.


  6. Hi, I have used a few of their "B-Grade" fragrances, and I really like them...and MOSTLY their PRICES.

    I have compared them to many of the other companies online line, and I tell ya, the quality has been just as good.

    I do know that ..THE CANDLE MAKER STORE ..manufacture their own fragrances...I do pick-up my orders cause they are so close to me...and its a really awesome place to visit.

    Oh, just to let you know...I LOVE their ..teddybear jars for candles also.

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