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Posts posted by chauntelle

  1. I spent the weekend looking in book stores for candle making books and mags and was so disapointed to come home empty handed even my little village library had two books but not quite what im looking for !!! It is so frustrating that a large borders didn't have one book even though there system suggested 10! They import from the us but didn't have one mag!!!! Is there anywhere i can go in the uk and actually look at the book/ mag before committing to buyuing!

    Thanks for letting me moan guys i feel so much better now! i just get so annoyed that we seem so slow in england!

  2. Hey guys been wanting to do rustics for a while now , done loads of research but i no that no matter how much research you do theres always a grey area that you kinda over see!!! as i've done so many times.

    So was wondering if you could give me one piece of advice what would it be??? or if you have a horror story of when you first attempted rustics would love to hear them - it might keep me sane when i want to cry over the next few weeks!!!

    Thanks guys by the way love all the pics of your rustics hope one day mine are as good!!! :P

  3. :P Hi guys. haven't posted for a while as i've been moving ect but thankfully thats all done and i'm now feeling at home so i can have even more fun in an even bigger kitchen!!! Been doing some research into people selling hand poured candles in my area as you all know its good to check out the compotition and see whats out there. Any way i stumbled across this website and thought maybe you could check it out and let me no if you were as impressed as i was! they use soy and i use paraffin which means our candles are different would appreciate your opinions!! thasnks in advance:grin2:


  4. i disagree i've been doing partys for 6 months and tried all sorts of ways! i find that by doing just a couple of games to relax everyone people enjoy themselves and relax easier i do an pass the gift as part of my introduction which gives the guests a chance to win a free candle, play a giggly game which gets everyone talking then we pass around some scented candles which go down a treat and puts everyone in the frame of buying and trying. The best thing is to speak to your host/ess afterwards for her feed back or why not do a draw if the guests fill in a SHORT question-naire giving them a free small candle as a thankyou for helping you that way you hear it straight from the customers mouth by doing this you can also get a larger mailing list and e-mail addresses . What works for one party planner might not work for all!!!!!!!! Keep an open mind and you'll find what your market wants!;)

  5. dont worry about whats happened you can use it to your knowledge for nxt time and at least u now no how these things work. In my opinon the more you do the easier it is as people begin to recognise you and c your serious about what you do on my nxt craft show im getting some leaflets made up so that people don't just walk out and forget about me they have something to read and hopefully remember me!!! Chin up even if you don't sell much it's not a waste of time so keep smiling:)

  6. Was emailed this website which i thought might help some of u guys out also seem helpful and have containers which i know we find it hard to find over here in the uk. It's worth checking it out don't forget to look for the heart containers don't they look cute.

    okay so here's the site www.candlelights.co.uk

    Have any of you used it b4 thinking of using them so please let me no it would b real helpful!!:grin2:

  7. I would love a supplier in the uk that i could go and look around and smell samples ect as it's so hard to know exactly wot you are buying when looking on the internet and ordering for the first time so where would you be based and would this be possible??

    I say good luck to you. I have my own business and bank with barclays they r wonderful and have made so many decisions a whole lot easier we were introduced to a great accountant and have had lots of advice from them. I would start by visiting business link ful of endless suggestions and information

    and the princes trust may be able to help with a grant/low intrest loan ~depending on your age! Make sure you have the right insurance and shop around it's so easy to just go with the first quote for convenience.

    All the best on this venture.:cool2:

  8. Thankyou all for all your great words! Just out of interest how long did it take for word of mouth to spread for you guys? i'm hoping that this will bring me some new customers and intrest from people who haven't tried my candles yet!!!

    Hey ruby,

    I wish that the shop and maisonett was smelling like roses but as always life is not as smooth as i'd like. finally got carpets ordered and half the house decorated but it feels like i take 5 steps forward and 10 back!!! Oh the fun of decorating, think nxt time i'll get the decorators in my sister in law looked like a smurf after decorating on sun as she had more blue on her than the walls and she wasn't even painting my sons rm!!! The shops finally coming together and we're hoping to open mid nov????:cheesy2:

  9. candles after i gave her a new candle that i was trying! i wasn't 2 sure of it myself as i was just experimenting. I made a pale blue pillar candle(to match her bedroom) and scented it wild rose. I left it a week b4 giving it to her and my whole kitchen stunk of this candle so the cold throw was ace but i was unsure that it would scent so well when lit. Anyways she phones me on saturday really excited (and she's the sort of person who can b a little 2 blunt at times) and i thought she was going to say it sucked but she was full of compliments no tunneling ,no smoke a real good scent throw and was lasting ages she said she had burn't it over 12 hrs and was only about half way through!

    She now totally understands why i make candles and has sworn that she will not lite any supermarket or department store candles only prices but i like there candles too so can't moan 4 that!!!!

    She's really taking it seriously and wants all of her friends to try one of my candles instead of buying from the shop!!!!! Bless her i think that she's on a mission now.

    Well i had to share with u all coz it's given me some faith in wot i'm doing and makes me want to test and test some more! thanks for listening. I think someday we might get through to every one about handpoured candles... you never no?:D :D :D :D :D:yay:

  10. Thanks, the tea light cups seem to be quite expensive but are the cheapest ive found so far,

    as for the tubes, i have emailed sensory perfections just now to ask weather they could possible source some tealight tubes but i will probably stick with the boxes until then

    Its nice to see another Uk candlemaker as there dont seem to be very many.



    there's not many from the uk but i don't think candle making is quite so big over here which i think is great but the down side is that there aren't any cash and carrys for waxes ect and we also end up paying alot more than other countries! I think that sensory perfection were offering free delivery in the uk but it was a while ago that i looked so if they r it will probably make them alot cheaper than others who charge carriage!!!!!!

    Where abouts in the uk r u?

  11. I may be wrong but i thought that either www.4candles.co.uk or www.sensoryperfection.co.uk sold the clear t light cups. i know that you can get boxes designed to hold t lights from sensory perfection which might be worth checking out until u find tubes. I'm based in the uk also and have never seen tubes here. i think that jo from sensory perfection imports from the u.s so it might be worth e-mailing her and asking if she can source them she's very helpful!!!

    Good luck. Would be intrested in knowing where you get the tubes from if you manage to find them and don't mind sharing!?:wink2:

  12. I know alot of you have seen this subject before but after a LOT of research i can't quite get any specific answers to my questions and was hoping you could help with any advice?

    I've been reading about melts, never seen them near where i live and so i thought i'd give them ago as they don't seem too difficult. But i'm kinda wondering if i can make them using straight parrafin wax . I also wondered how you get them to last so long? I've read where people have got theres to last up to 40hrs!!!! What would i add to get it to last this long? I thought maybe microcrystalline wax? Any advice would be great whilst i continue searching.....

    I also wondered if i could burn them in an oil burner just like simmering granuals?

    Sorry to sound so naive and being a pain but i honestly have only seen them on the net!

    Thanks in advance i no you r always so great!:rolleyes2

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