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Posts posted by LauraInNY

  1. Hi Sharon,

    When I make potpourri I use the "recipe" from SF Herb as a guide. http://www.sfherb.com/cart/webstore/Recipes.asp

    I add straight FO at about 1/4 to 1/2 fl oz per 16 cups potpourri (approx. 1 gallon), depending on the strength of oil. You can mix and measure into glass jars or store in a plastic container that has the #5 in a triangle (I use these and have had no problem with FO eating through the container. Put them in a cool dark space for a couple of weeks to cure.

    You could probably use the same method as they say you can fragrance the corn cob fibers (cellulose fiber) and add to potpourri. HTH

  2. I would think with that large an order wouldn't they contact you for a discount of some sort for that quantity? I know I would. I know that people that wholesale deliver and send an invoice, but they know the customer is legit. I'd err on the side of caution. JMO

  3. Thanks for all the replies. Okay I looked through all my FO's and almost all have either cinnamon or vanilla. Guess I need to try something other than food scents huh. But they smell sooooo good. :D

    I did the blueberry with a RRD47 and RRD50 and LX 18 and LX20.

    I tried mulberry spice (cuz its much lighter) with a RRD 40 and LX 16 and LX18.

    I'll try testing today after the kids' football games (it's pouring and the field is a mud pit). I'll be ready for some candles and wine when I get home.

  4. Maureen - I do this with all of my FO's (I haven't used the pink sugar, but I've used FO's others have had a hard time mixing and getting to throw). I had a hard time getting some of the heavier ones to mix at lower temps. While I was at Candles & Supplies one day, I was talking to one of the reps and she said that heating to 200 gets the molecules in the wax moving faster and helps the binding.(I don't know if the reason is true, but the method worked - LOL) I turn off heat as soon as I add the FO (only at 1 or 1-1/4 oz/lb) cool and pour at 160 and I haven't had a dud yet (some . I experimented with heating to all diff temps and adding at diff temps and pouring at diff temps and this method seemed to work best for me.

  5. I am just starting to test LX and RRD wicks in container candles with J50 wax. I am doing 8oz jjs and 16oz wide mouth ball jars. Does anyone have suggestions for where to start with these. I looked at some wick comparison charts and they suggested LX 14 and RRD 40 for a 2-3" diam and when doing a search I found some are using this for votives. I thought of trying the LX 18 and RRD 47. If I used JS Blueberry Cobbler FO, does this sound right or should I start with LX20/RRD50? TIA for any advice :D

  6. When Becky moved into her new warehouse this summer she had problems with her getting her old phone number hooked back up and had to use a temporary new one for about a month or two. She said she lost a lot of messages during this time. The time sounds just about right for when you tried calling the 2nd time. She now has the phones all fixed and you can get her on the regular number. I would definitely try her again. I e-mailed her with a question and she called me on the phone with a response. So simply not returning a call doesn't sound like her.

    Edited to add: When I use Chestnuts and Brown Sugar (in J50 wax) I have to let it cure for a few days before I can smell it. I found the same thing with Vanilla Buttercream Crunch. Now the Cranberry Spice ran me out of the house when making and I could smell it perfectly the next morning. Funny how that works with different scents. (dont know if it's the scent or candlenose)

  7. Some say stir (and stir and stir) until it mixes. I heat to 200, turn off heat, then add FO and stir for two minutes, then add dye.

    Vybar will stop the mottle. Found this out when I forgot to add the vybar when making a batch of tarts (1343/J50 blend) and ended up with mottled tarts. :D

  8. Bummer, sorry to hear that. :awww: What about a local feed store or a hardware store? Maybe a small local store would be willing to order these for you. Would the 1/2 pint wide mouth mason jars work? I was just at the local grocery store and was very surprised to find the elite jars there for the same price as walmart. I'm gonna have to stock up a little on these jars.

  9. Here is a gift basket I put together for a co-worker who just got married last weekend. It has a candle warmer, 2 wickless candles, 2 pkgs of tarts and an 8oz jj (retails for 39.99), 1 pkg of 2 dzn cinnabuns and gingers. I have orders for 2 more and a 3rd is pending.

    Edited because I forgot to list the bowl fillers.


  10. I agree with debscent. Use the name of your business if possible. It will also help them associate you with a business name instead of the faceless "we". It will accomplish giving the effect of being a stable professional business with more than one person. JMO :D

  11. I think a lot of us are using the Ball Platinum Elite Wide Mouth 8oz jars. They seem to be perfect for the wickless jars. They hold about 5oz of wax. You can get them at Wal-Mart for about $4 a 4 pack. HTH

    edited to add: brought my wickless candles to the store that I sell through on friday and sold 2 so far and have orders from other customers for 3 more. People are gearing up for candle burning I guess. It probably helps that we just got a cold spell coming through. WOOHOO!!


  12. I would make as much as you can and bring it to the show. Cash and carry does much better as the others have said with regard to impulse buying. When you take orders make sure you get full payment. They will be paying for the princess house up front and all the other home party plans do the same. JMO:cheesy2:

  13. I use sticker labels on my jars. I use hang tags on my cello bag stuff (melts and cinnabuns), but on the jars I don't like the way they stored. They kept getting bent or turned the wrong way or just got in the way when stacking. The sticker labels are much neater and easier. I still use the wraphia around the lid for accent.:thumbsup:

    Edited to add: I put the scent and weight on the front label. I have a smaller label on the back that has business name, phone #, email, graphic credits, etc.

  14. Sharon - did you mean Irvins Country Tinware or something different. http://www.countrytinware.com/cat_cndl_candlewarmers.asp?cat=CAM

    Just a little confused :confused:

    I looked at Levines and they seem reasonable, but don't want to invest $100 in warmers.

    Has anyone tried Harvest Scent & Traders? If so, what do you think?


    Thinking about giving them a try. Just a little leary on investing in stock on more expensive warmers/burners when walmart, michaels, target, etc., have them for less than $5 each. Maybe a little of both? Do gift sets with nice ones? I know most places online have them for $13-20, but do you think we can really get that for them?

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