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Posts posted by DONNAMAC

  1. Does anyone know if you can put the Do Right mold into the oven. I am wanting to do a salt bar and make sure it gells. I have made them before without gell, and I thought they were fine, just heard they are better when they gell.

  2. Sorry about your job, and don't give up on the shows, some are just like that from what I hear, I have never done one, but I have a friend who does a lot, sometimes she sounds like you after one, and other times she is on top of the world and amazed at how much money she made. I am sure you will find some way to full fill your dreams, sounds like you got a lot of good ideas. Good Luck with everything.

  3. Got some Manoi de Tahiti a couple of days ago, and love the feel of this. Never heard of this until seeing it raved about on this board. Trouble is, I hate the smell of this. It is very stong and flowery, which I know a lot of people like, but I am just not into the flower smells. Does anyone know of a supplier who sells this unscented?

  4. I am close to St.Louis, and have found that most Ace hardware stores are the only place you can find it. None of the Lowes around here carry it.So far, every Ace that I have been in does carry it. It is calledRooto's crystal household 100% lye.16 oz. for $3.79. HTH

  5. Maybe you should just step away from it for a while, I was getting so stressed and bored with it, that I just had to quit for a while. I really love making candles,so don't want to give it up, but filling orders was starting to become a real chore. I learned how to make cp soap, and am loving that right now. So different, and I am hoping with doing this for a while, I will eventually want to get back into the candles. Not good to get so involved in one thing,that it gets overwlming. Just step back a while and maybe you will have a change of heart.

  6. Well, I live in Missouri, and it has been very hot and humid. But I soap in the AC, and cure in it too. Could that still be a problem?. Oh, and I do use rbo in a lot of my soap. Does DOS hurt your soap in any way? I know it is not pretty, but I don't sell, just use it in the family and some friends. Thanks to everyone for your comments. This board is so helpful.

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