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Posts posted by pixisprkl

  1. Fern-Marie.... I never would have thought to turn the fans off before pouring! Thank you for that tid-bit. I am going to attempt some tarts tonight....so I will post my experience in the a.m. AND I will keep them away from the air conditioner... I love short hair....but I don't know about buzzing it like geek!

    Wookie... thanks for the advice as well. I will most definately be trying the 4627 in the near future....once I feel I can brave the wick thing. I am worried a bit about all of that...but I look forward to the fun and challenge of it all.

    Again....thanks for the great advice.... :)

  2. May I call you pixi? :)

    Welcome to the board! Hope your experimentation goes well, because sometimes it will make you tear your hair out (which is why I buzz cut my own head). Remember, learning occurs at the very edge of frustration.


    Pixi is great!

    ....and I bet I will get super frustrated.... I can't wait! (Lets see what I say in another month :cheesy2: )....

    AngelaVA.... do you blend the 4627? I like the idea of this soft wax....but I do love soy.... I may have to give it a whirl (in due time of coarse).

    Thanks everyone for your help....And words of wisdom. I and can't wait to share my tart making experience....

  3. I think I will save the 4627 for when I have moved on up to trying containers...... sounds best for that.

    As for tarts.... I think I will try them all naturel for a while to see how they do. It's nice to know that you (Fern-Marie and Candle Makin Momma) have had good results with strictly soy. Hopefully I will make the EzSoy work for me!!Thank you so much for your help!!

    I will post after my 1st attempt... :yay:

    Oh and yes..... how about FO%? I think I will try 1oz pp? I do like them super fragrant tho...

  4. Thank you for the welcome...and advice!

    Oh..... I am not going to be blending right off the bat... I can only handle a little insanity at a time :shocked2: I am expecting this all to be a big mess at first! I will be doing my tarts later this week...hopefully.... or by early next week. I am going to keep it simple for a while.... just doing research and taking notes :)

    I have read that you can add stearic acid to your tarts (a really small amount 1-3T pp) to make them a bit more firm? Have you (or anyone else) used this and how's the results?

    Thank you!!

  5. I am so very new to all of this....but so excited to get started. I have just a couple questions I hope that I can get help with.

    I am using ezsoy and I plan to make tarts first and then perhaps wickless candles to .....and then eventually move up to the wicked bad boys.

    I would like to try blending a little paraffin with the ez....and I am looking at the 4627. Has anyone used this combo together? For whatever reason... I really want to try the 4627. And I was eyeballing the 4630 as well. I have read that the 4627 is really soft tho and I am thinking that may not be good for tarts? But would be great for containers.

    Any advice would be helpful!!

    Thanks in advance!!

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