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Tall Blonde

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Posts posted by Tall Blonde

  1. My favorite product that I've come up with is my version of emulsified butter. I melt by butters and oils (or whatever) I think I add a touch of cornstarch, cyclo, etc. (I don't have my recipe in front of me). I also add in stearic and ewax. That way, it can be used on dry skin like a butter, but on wet skin it turns into a lotion. I do add some preservative, just in case, but I love to step out of the shower in the morning, take some of this stuff, and massage it into my legs. It doesn't soak in all the way like a lotion, but it's not as greasy as a body butter.

  2. Well, I didn't ruin any soaps or silicone molds, but yesterday I decided to make some muffins for breakfast. Preheated the oven to 400 mixed up the muffins, got the batter in the pan, open the oven...and the giant plastic bowl of cherries I just picked the day before was almost completely melted. I had forgotten I stuck the bowl in the oven because my youngest (and dumbest) cat wouldn't keep his fat head out of the bowl. He kept scooping cherries out to play with.

    The plastic at least came off the oven. I felt worse about the cherries since we haven't had a good crop in 3 or 4 years.

    I am no longer allowed to hide things in the oven.

  3. As for lotions and soaps and stuff: I don't have a problem explaining the ingredients and what they do, but I'm not going to give out percentages or any exact details. I spend a lot of time reading about oils and skin and I've learned a lot. I also spend a lot of time working out combinations and trying to figure what I what a product to do. I spend too much money and time and effort to give away any "answers."

  4. Read up on the properties of the oils either on the web or in a book. You can make a 100% olive oil soap, or you can add palm, castor or coconut to it for lather/bubbles. Personally, I use 23% coconut and 7% castor oil, but I don't use palm at all. But first, read up on the oils. Even some of the sites that sell oils and butters like MMS will give you and idea of what the oils are like and a range of percentages.

  5. When I made my carrot soap, I boiled some carrots, them pureed them. I mixed the lye with the water I boiled the carrots in (cooled, of course), then later added the pureed carrots. The finished soap looked kind of like spice cake.

    As far as moisturizing goes...I learned that soap doesn't moisturize it cleans, but good soap will not dry out your skin as much as other soaps. Does that make sense? But when I need a soap that is non-drying and good for what itches me, I just grab a bar of pure oo soap.

  6. Incandessence: Did you email to someone specific, or to the general office? It seems to me that there should be enough people on this board that taking 5 minutes or so from your day to post your feelings about this in an email to the Trademark office should do something. Wouldn't it? If you don't take the initiative to speak up or do something, don't whine about it later. I'll send an email also.

  7. Mustard is a Nono....LOL Ask me how I know...LOL:D

    I would think Candula...And their is another It starts with a A...and is a seed...err.. I can't think of it....U can Always look for an pigment or an oxide...

    It was tumeric I was thinking of. But that comes out kind of orangey, doesn't it. I don't know. I suck at coloring! What happend with the mustard?

  8. I don't know if there is a blue clay, but I can't really think of anything to get blue off the top of my head. I know there is no blue food. That's why restaurants use blue bandages. There's blue flowers, but I don't know that the color would work in soap. As to yellow, I have an orange infused olive oil that makes a light lemon yellow soap. Mustard would probably work. Calendula maybe?

  9. You know, I live in Solano County, 30 minutes from Napa (wine country). In Napa, people will pay $5 and up for a bar of soap. Even in different towns in my county, people will pay more for soap and stuff. But in the town I live in, $2.50 is the most they are willilng to pay. And since I'm such a crappy sales person, and haven't bothered infiltrating the higher end markets, I have to figure out how to make a bar of soap that's just as good, but doesn't cost me so much to produce. If I could get over my cowardice, I could go to the other areas, but there it is. Selling actually takes effort.:D

  10. Most of my soaps are some shade of brown/tan. But I like to experiment with fruit and veggies and you don't know what you're going to get. I used pomegranate juice once and when I poured it it was as dark as Hershey's syrup, but eventually lightend to a pinkish-tan. Cucumber and lettuce stayed a creamy yellow. I'm not much good with color and swirls and stuff.

  11. Well, Katshe, I'll be giving it a try! We're about the same age and it sounds as though we have the same skin! Besides, it can't get any worse then the time I used some shea oil in the bath and had a head to toe rash the next day! Thanks for the recipe:yay:

  12. I find the emulsified body butter easier to make because it doesn't melt. I've got jars and jars of melted butter:mad: But I also don't like the oiliness. I like it to just soak in. If I feel the need for something more, I just get out a bottle of peanut oil or olive or whatever. But that's just me.

  13. Why not try an unscented batch first? Once you get that under your belt, you can try the fragrance. Maybe a simple eo like lavender to start?

    I agree. Try some unscented soaps first. Once you get that down, you can work in fragrances and EOs.

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