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Posts posted by k&g

  1. OMG - I went to WallyWorld last night to pick up a 4lb box of PM and what use to cost $9-10 about 6mths ago is now $16!!! I couldn't believe the price hike! I don't go to WallyWorld for much anymore and now it's going to be even less!

    Anywho - does anyone buy their powdered milk in bulk? If so, where? I've got a friend that owns a deli so I'm thinking of checking out the restaurant food suppliers around here so there's no shipping involved. Does anyone go that route?

    TIA and have a great weekend!

  2. Haven't had a beignet in years. I really miss them. I also miss having a decent po' boy too.:drool:

    I know it's not the same - but get a can of biscuits - cut them in half or 4's - fry - add powdered sugar (and butter if you want!!) My mom did this with frozen bread dough from the store also!

    OR - for the real deal you can order Cafe Du Monde mix.

    Oh - and about the original question - I haven't seen this scent at Cajuns - nor have I tried TC - but I'd like to know if you were please with the outcome.

  3. No I just took my lotion base, colored and scented then did layers of it with clear aloe gel. That simple.

    Slight hi-jack!

    I'm finding clear aloe gel to be really sticky/yucky. Is this right? I tried some in a muscle rub and didn't like the way it turned out. Tried mixing it w/Shea/Mango butter and it didn't harden up last night - felt nicer going on BUT lost the muscle soothing feel!! Oh gees - back to the drawing board.

  4. Sorry - forgot about this post (a little too much Mardi Gras :D ) - Thanks for all the compliments!

    Great job. I love the confetti look. Perfect for Mardi Gras. Are they 4" dia. Pillars?

    Arlene - they are 4" dia pillars.

    Just an FYI - For the 'chunks' I use marshmallow silicone molds. I've got 6 of them so I can make a lot at one time. Much easier than having to cut the chunks.

  5. Ford Explorer Sport Trac ... works GREAT - good to drive otherwise also - gas mileage not too bad. We can fit tables, tent and shelving in back bed with lots of extra room and cover w/tarp if needed. Products fit in back of cab. We've trimmed down a lot on what we take to shows and now it takes us about a 1/2 hr to 45 min to load when the first show we did took almost 2 hours!!! Oh how we learn as we grow!! lol

  6. Bankcard - which is where I have my CC service through - has an online service available that's an additional charge each month. They say they sent a letter in May that I had 30 days to cancel out. Oh well ... just need to pay more attention. I just probably thought it was a monthly statment and filed it away unopened!

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