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  • About You
    I'm looking to learn much from the group about candle making. I have been wanting to learn how to make candles for a while and now it is the time.


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thank you everyone: Sally: Thank you, I will be checking the archives. Sheila: thank you for the the links. I should have said excellent throw for EO's. The purpose for using EO's only is for aromatherapy purpose. I plan not to color my candles and I know that the throw will not be strong as for FO's, but that is fine for me. I have purchase candles with EO's only and the throw is mild and pleasant. In fact, if my doors are open in the room, I cannot smell at all, my goal is to match a good vegetable wax to a good EO combination. Thanks again, Luisa
  2. Hello everyone: I'm new at candlemaking and am interested in making beexwax and vegetable wax candles. I'm joining the list because of the mutual respect and great help the members of this list have for each other. I have read a lot and just a bit unsure which wax I should purchase for container candles that will have an excellent throw, if possible, with EO's. I have asked multiple wax vendors for their recommendation, but it seems that FO's are the primary scent that these waxes are tested, and vague help on EO's were given to me. I hope that on this list we have candlemakers that do use EO's and can help me with my dilema. I do not wish to use paraffin/soywax, but strickly a vegetable wax. Please let me know what waxes I should use to determine the best thow. Thank you, Luisa
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