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Posts posted by creative_candles

  1. I dont see these votives described accordingly- No where in the description does it say one of the following

    1. Excuse my picture- I make them better than what they look like on here. My camera is broken and this is all I could find.

    2. This is what you get, a nasty votive , uneven 2nd pour and uncentered wick..

    But then again, I think this is funny. Someone doesnt have high standards on his/her product!

    Fill your home with the scent of Cranberry.

    You will receive one dozen of these red Cranberry scented candles. These candles are hand-poured. They are highly scented and the scent and colour are all the way through so they last right to the end of the candle. The wicks are 100% lead free. When burned in a proper votive holder, these votives will completely liquify when burning and will burn for 15 to 18 hours.

    Please be sure to visit our Ebay Store to view other candle items!

    This is not the seller from which I have dealt and nor is it the seller listed at the beginning of the thread. Please keep up. This is really painful. Listening to people trying to defend the indefensible.....

  2. You just dont get it do you??? Yeah, I would rather give my family members ones that dont look all that great then to sell them at a fair price and have my future customers think my candles are crappy like those posted on this thread. I value my candles , my testing and my company. If you arent the person doing this, then I apologize, but even for you to stand up and think that what she is doing is right-- well, just says much about what you think a candle should look like. And how long have you been in business? Just because you suggest something- doesn't mean I am going to follow it. This thread will be closed by the moderators if and when they think it will get out of hand. Not for you or I to say! When it comes to candles, I think my standards are very high! I sure wouldnt sell something like that. They are a hazard, horrible looking and the maker should be ashamed to even put their name with those candles.


    My word. You truly are dense. I am speechless.

  3. and I said who knows, so I was guessing and putting it out there. It just seems a little strange that your first post is supporting this crappy candlemaker..


    Please. Your ignorance is painful.

    Think about it. What experience do you have of dealing with this candle maker. 'Jack' I would imagine so your are clearly unqualified to comment (although this obviously doesn't seem to inhibit your enthusiasm any!).

    My point is that I have actually bought from this seller and I have no qualms whatsoever in saying that they were high quality products. Period.

    Perhaps we should all make sure that we buy personally before starting or contributing to such a demeaning and trivial thread.

    Maybe it is time for the moderator to step in.....?:confused:

  4. Yes, I have had a duff batch of candles, but I sure don't put them up for f-n sale . I either call them oopsies and sometimes give to my family to burn ( but not all the time) or I remelt them or I use them for myself, but never once ask for a dime for those kind of shitty candles! Geesh. These are horrible. The quality and service could not be faulted?? You must have low values !!! So sorry that you think this is a great way for a candlemaker to do business!!!


    So what is the difference??! If they are as described and priced accordingly then what is the problem? You would rather give your family your duff ones than sell them at a fair price!!? Oh dear.

    Anyway, you can say what you like about my values, but the fact that you felt moved to post further on this thread after I had suggested that it was prudent to bring the matter a sensible and honourable close rather suggests that your standards fall some way short of my own....Get a life.

  5. LOL and this person just registered today.. Probably that person that is making them. WHo knows


    You wish! I discovered the site today by chance and this was a recent thread so it really is a simple as that. Slightly cynical of you! :undecided

  6. Oh my. What a shame that such threads as this start out as unfortunately this one is, as ever, ill-informed and misleading to say the least.

    I know of this seller as I recognise the item and I almost bought because they were priced rediculously cheaply - no doubt reflecting the quality of the offering.

    We are all candle makers (or at least interested or we wouldn't be on this forum) and I wish for anyone who has had a duff batch of candles to step forward. At least this seller was prepared so sell them as seen for a sensible (in UK terms anyway) price.

    I have bought several items from this seller and as far as I am concerned the quality and service could not be faulted.

    Really, the person who started this thread must have better things to do. It is truly pathetic and waste of 6 pages of web space, not to mention all of the time of the individuals involved in the thread.

    May I suggest that this subject be brought to a suitable and timely close for everyones sake.....or does anyone really wish to extend the timewasting further.........??!

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