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    Detroit Lakes, MN
  • About You
    I own a business that sells custom, homemade items!

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  1. I had some start-up money, but as of now, I haven't really but very much supplies. I bought about 3 pounds of beeswax (about $4 a pound), about 3 yards of wick (about $3), some beeswax sheets ($.30 per sheet, and that's about it. So if you think about it, it would be less than $20. Candlemaking supplies is ALOT cheaper where I live, than in other areas. I live in West-Central Minnesota near North Dakota, so it's far cheaper than if you bought supplies in Minneapolis/St. Paul, or other areas. And I only had about $30 that I could use for the start-up costs, and I only have about $10 left. (I have about $100 in the bank, but I'm saving it up for something important.).
  2. In a way, isn't that the same? It's like, if I look in a book, magazine, on the internet, or get ideas from you guys, I just build onto all of the ideas. So, in a way, it's pretty much the same. Isn't it? And I am still accomplishing something by getting ideas, and building onto them. Like let's say I get an idea from someone on this thread to make some hand-dipped taper candles. I could add on to the idea by giving each candle a personal touch. Like embossing the candles with a certain word or phrase that has to do with a holiday or something, or the name of the candle.
  3. I am going to first perfect my hand-dipped and hand-rolled candles, but I am just looking to see what you think of some ideas for candles that I will possibly make when I perfect my other candles first. So, what do you think?
  4. It doesn't matter, but that sparks an idea! Maybe I should make some s'more scented candles! lol Like a "camping" line of candles? You know, mosquito repellent, s'more scented, wildflower scented, .etc. What do you think? Do you have anymore ideas?
  5. Thank you. I am also looking for some advice on good dipping pots to buy, and how to make the candles straight, and nearly the same size.
  6. I know, I get a bunch of e-mails from people saying that they're looking for someone to inherit their fortune, and a bunch of people saying that their stocks are for sale, or something, for their oil company. And they are ALL either from Nigeria or the UK! I agree with you, I don't know how someone could fall for one of these scams! They must be pretty gullible! lol
  7. As for the items availability, they will be available when I sell out all of my hand-dipped and hand-rolled candles. As for the name, not to offend you, but you're the only person, when looking at my biz name, who thinks of the words "camping supplies". But thank you for being honest.
  8. Thank You, and yes, that is what I'm trying to focus towards.
  9. Yeah, cause one of these days, if you're not careful, it'll come back to haunt you (it will also haunt your bank account as well! lol).
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